99.999% of all people playing any particular game all think they are complete Rock Stars, and totally AWESOME at the game, when in fact that is the exact percentage of people who totally suck at the game in question.
Bloodchills: Scrubby, you have caught the Delusion of Awesomeness. See your doctor, breh.
A phrase you use when someone come ups to you and plugs their channel thinking they know who their are but you really don’t
“Oh by the way I’m tempotantrum”
“That’s awesome man”
Joe is the coolest person I know - he is one big bag of awesome!
When someone masturbates before they fall asleep to help them sleep.
Tonight will be an awesome bedtime
One who is more awesome than another.
Ashlyn has a lower "Awesomeness Level" than Danny, whose awesomeness level is the 100 out of 100
a way to show an enormous amount of enthusiasm
green skinny jeans are awesomely sweetacular!!!!!
its a way for bro 1 to tell bro 2 to be chill. its also a sense of encouragement for bro 2 to cheer up, be confident, or act awesome. it can also mean to stay calm and to take time. It is a synonym to "be cool, be nice, calm down, be happy, don't worry, be chill, man up, etc."
Bro 1: "Dude. This chick is scorching and i'm freaking out!"
Bro 2: "Dude, Stand Awesome."
Bro 1: "Alright dude, thanks for the encouragement"
Bro 2: "No problem, bruh"