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Express Clothing

Cheap Chinese Knock off clothing that was designed i New York but made in China , and they charge they’re customers a fortune for cheap quality

Yo I Saw this cool jacket @ Express clothing

by 1Shot Duke December 10, 2019

turtle bumped the cloth

A severe prairie dogging situation where it actually touched your underwear before going back in your butt

Awww quick , get off the highway i can't make it , the turtle bumped the cloth !!!

by Big donker January 24, 2021

new clothes kids

two people who are buying new clothes together

“hey i’ve just bought a load of clothes”
oh cool i was just about to as well!!”
“nice! we’re totally new clothes kids right now”

by NOTzoerjane January 28, 2021

Mr I buy clothes every day

A guy who claims he buys clothes every day but andreea knows he’s lying

Mr I buy clothes every day won’t stop texting me

by hotpotato July 13, 2018


(Noun) a very offensive term for a person that IYHO dresses so badly /poorly that it literally looks like they have found their clothes at the garbage dump.

Aunt Petunia: Harry you stupid dump-clothes, how dare you go on a date with Hermione dressed like this?

Harry: since when, lol do you care about what Hermione will think about the way I dress?

by Sexydimma May 27, 2021


(Noun) a very offensive term for a person that IYHO dresses so badly /poorly that it literally looks like they have found their clothes at the garbage dump.

Aunt Petunia: Harry you stupid dump-clothes, how dare you go on a date with Hermione dressed like this?

Harry: since when, lol do you care about what Hermione will think about the way I dress?

by Sexydimma May 19, 2017


an insulting expression to use on a person, meaning " i don't your clothes, or the way you dress in my presence."

Even if it is sometimes used to send someone a social cue, that that they indeed di go to local dump to get soemthing to wear, the answer to such an insult should be get a school uniform and eat your own cheese.

a Harry Potter walks out of his room and into the kitchen. His aunt Petunia is screaming, rather shrieking, at him: get out of here, you ridiculous dump-clothes! Haven't Vernon and I taught you how to dress properly? how dare you go out like this on a date with Hermione?

Harry: since when are you, roflmao, interested in what Hermione thinks about my dress code? Other than that, please get a school uniform and eat your own cheese.

Aunt Petunia: same to you dear (physically throws him a piece of cheese from the kitchen table)

Harry: either you eat bacon, or youh are wrong. I am so not wasting my time with you. I have other cats to skin. (Harry disapparates, leaving aunt Petunia stunned).

by Sexydimma April 28, 2012