Source Code

last digit syndrome

the fear or reluctance of dialing the last digit of a phone number; seen most commonly among guys who get the number of a girl they like and want to ask out, but then fail to muster up enough courage to complete the call, usually stopping before punching in the very last key of the number.

Dude #1: "Denise gave Adam her home phone number, and he was so stoked about it he said he would give her a call last night. But I guess he must be suffering from last digit syndrome, since all he kept dialing was "555-236...and it stopped there every time!"

Dude #2: "Ha! well hopefully he'll grow a set by tonight and try again....hotties like Denise don't stay single for very long, ya know!"

by ColdOne September 3, 2006

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6 digit code

the code for a manga on nhentai.net. often appears when someone asks for the sauce.

you can find the hentai by going to nhentai.net/g/(insert 6 digit code here)

β€œhey, what’s the sauce for the image on the top right?”
β€œthe 6 digit code is 271390”

by Ophsfucker November 1, 2019

952πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

digital drive-through

drive-in digital rectal exam facility

Dude, that was awesome, let's circle around and get in line again for another digital drive-through

by Snoopy Pugh April 18, 2008

112πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Digital Dutch Rudder

When you duct tape your phone to your penis and set it on vibrate and have a friend or loved one call until you reach orgasim

Hey bro let's get a digital dutch rudder circle going on after class

by derpslayer88 March 22, 2015

Digital Sausage Party

An internet chat room consisting of only males.

Paully2525, Iamme42, Wondersmithenz, DrSexyfancy, HowlingAtYourMoon, KillinBugz4Life, FrigginYea, Brosmith25, & HardlyHard all say to each other, β€œWhat's with the digital sausage party? Where the fuckin’ bitches at?”

by RhymenPopper February 7, 2011

Six Digit Number

Refers to the number ID of an hentai manga on the website nhentai. Typed in this way: nhentai.net/g/(six digit number)

"Bro, give me the six digit number of this hentai; I want to use it tonight."

by Lolilewder July 23, 2020

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The Two Digit Salute

A gesture interchangeably used as a greeting, a goodbye, or more commonly as a visual exclamation point at the end of a sentence. Also makes a great ice breaker in awkward moments.

Using your dominate hand, extend your hand palm up at about waist level opposite your target(s). Using the appropriate amount of sarcasm, open your hand and go through the motion of gently tapping the bottom of their balls a few times while making a clicking sound with your tongue and the roof of your mouth. It looses a sense of dignity if any actual contact is made. Doing this at close range (2 to 3 feet away) is very effective and a great ice breaker.

In almost one motion, he smiled, pointed at the clock, gave us all the two digit salute, and walked away leaving us briefly stunned.

by NoHandlebars February 7, 2015

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