when you're hanging out with a friend of the opposite sex who actually thinks you're dating....as does the rest of the world
P: R and I have so much fun hanging out
T: Ummm...that's inadvertent dating
The act of temporarily engaging in activities before a date that will make you more attractive to a potential partner. It should be noted that none of these activities are activities that one participates in long term.
Trevor: Man, have you seen Nicole lately?
Juan: Nah, she's at the gym.
Trevor: The gym? She's never at the gym.
Juan: Yeah I heard she's date prepping for a guy named Ben on Wednesday.
A first date where you are not yet in a relationship where you are assessing the situation. A date where you decide if you are interested.
Yo you guys dating?
Nah but I got a gateway date tomorrow night.
When two homosexual men pee outside in the same spot, usually in a public setting while nobody else around, on the same wall, tree, lightpost, ect. akin to how dogs mark their territory.
Bro 1: Hehe y'know bro, it's like we're on a marking date.
Bro 2: A marking date?
Bro 1: Like, you know bro... Like we're marking our territory together.
Bro2: ...Bro...
meeting another person at any location unexpectedly, then hanging out with them for a period of time.
Running into a friend at Noodles and chatting with them for a while. This is a spontaneous date
3👍 1👎
when two people are ACTUALLY dating, but neither can come to terms with it.
ie fb status update 'at Restaurant, with Girl'
Girl comments 'is this a date?'
friend responds 'You two are toy dating. Just accept it.'
Abbreviation for Florida is FL. F/L stands for First/Last. Having a date that never goes past the first date/meeting.
Had another Florida date last night. She was super cute, but couldn't stop talking about herself and her cat. I definitely won't be seeing her again.