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Leopold Felix Quinones

1. Coolest realtor ever
2. Se cree mucho
3. Plays entirely too much

Leopold Felix Quinones will make fun of you then sell you a house.

by leoquinones November 23, 2021

Felix schuurman

Felix schuurman is like a person that doesn’t do much but does a lot at the same time but mostly noting use full will probably always come to late at his or her work

He/she’s always to late at work

He/she’s such a felix schuurman

by the 𝐅.𝐁.𝐈. December 10, 2021

Felix rat

A species of swamp rat native to the swamps of Australia.

Person 1: Dude give me those chips
Person 2: You've had enough Felix rat
Person 1: Bruh

by Felix Mole Rat January 31, 2022

Fear of Felix (FOF)

A phobia of Felix. Anyone within a certain radius of Felix who suffers from FOF may experience severe anxiety etc. Alternatively, FOF can also be used as an acronym meaning "Fuck off Felix"

"No sorry, I cant play Ludo with you, I have Fear of Felix (FOF)"

Felix: "Wanna hang out today?"
Kitty: "FOF"

by fof_sufferer October 21, 2022

1👍 2👎

felix darm

felix darm is a rather unknown architect who specializes in modern orange buildings

Hello my name is felix darm

by Johannes135 September 20, 2019

Felix Steiner

A one time German SS Obergruppenführer (Basically a Lieutenant General or Major General) during the 2nd World War.
Became known for his role during the "Battle of Berlin" for refusing to obey Hitler's order to launch a suicidal charge against a much larger Soviet Force. When Hitler learned of this, suffered a complete nervous breakdown

Thanks to the 2004 film "Downfall" (Der Untergang)
his name has become a meme

Felix Steiner. A brilliant Commander now reduced to a meme, thanks to that film Downfall.

by Cripplehawk February 14, 2023

Felix Tab

Felix tabs are one of the weaker versions of acid

user 1 : hey man wanna try a felix tab with me ??
user 2 : na brew iv got green leaves they are stronger than felix's

by jesse.jackknife April 19, 2009