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n. someone who flaunts cigarettes.

"Jackie, check out that hipster's cigarettes!"

by Rich December 8, 2004

34πŸ‘ 124πŸ‘Ž


Those who turn their skinny-jean-encased-knees inward in order to look awkward. Wearing large black glasses with no lenses in order to take digital photographs then manipulate the photographs using photoshop. Those who wear Toms. These are common accessories of the every day ambient hipster.
The guy next to you who wears his headphones around his neck and blasts some obscure band that he will claim you don't know about is a hipster. Notice his skin tight V neck shirt. Vintage clothing ensues. A hipster will most likely never associate him or herself with the word hipster. In fact, he or she may raise their cigarette scented voice in anger in the fact that you are calling them a hipster. This shouldn't scare you because they are, of course, all pacifists and wouldn't dare lay a finger on you. That would dirty up their brand new self designed Toms.

"I don't give two cares what you think, I'm going to be a photographer. I'm going to be a fashion model, in France. I'm going to sit in my room, sip on black tea, and listen to my favorite boy sing my favorite songs. My eyes will be large, and my hair will be long before it becomes very very short. I'm going to take a roadtrip to Elizabethtown, and take polariods at every stop on the way. These are common hipster facebook about me's.

I will be as old fashioned as I want to be, and I'm going to change your life, in ten days or less."

by wmirdster May 1, 2010

47πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž


Liberal 20 something men and women who drink coffee in independently run cafes, drink in dive bars, listen to any awful piece of shit band that isn't popular or even good, and watch foreign "films" all the while condemning anything held popular by the average consumer or "gullible sheeple."

They believe that because they dress in thrift store rags, took a few political science classes, and enjoy modern art (aka: $1000 finger paintings) that somehow this makes them better than the rest of society. They often have an extremely lofty opinion of themselves and their opinions to the point of unbelievable arrogance.

1. The author of the first/most popular definition is a prime example of a hipster douche bag.

by rynoth July 21, 2010

45πŸ‘ 174πŸ‘Ž


A slandering term used by a non trendy, boring person, used for any person that has any sense of style whatsoever.

i wish i could pull off an outfit like that." "no you dont. she just looks like every other hipster with fake glasses and a flannel.

by beannieee October 13, 2010

6πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Those members of the youth that are more in tune and welcoming to changing trends in fashion and music

Most often intellectually superior to others but do not feel the need to feed their vanity by searching for a 6 figure job

Hipsters are often teased that they are the 'real' conformists but their apathetic nature and superior intelligence ensures that non-hipster's claims are fruitless in bothering them

They provide a standalone source of artistic innovation. Hipster's work (music, art, literature) is what conformists often attempt to appreciate upon noticing their banal existence

Hipster 1: Hey look, there's another person imputting a derogatory opinionated view as a definition on urban dictionary.

Hipster 2: Wow, they're smart. (sarcastically)

by AndrΓ© 2999 June 17, 2008

28πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž


Primary indication of membership in Fauxhemian society: placeless pretentiousness. This is followed closely by wearing clothes that don't look good on you, or anyone, because it's "cool," right alongside being critical and then hypocritical about whatever you were criticizing in someone else, often in the name of "irony."

Secondary indications of self-election to doucheoisie status include a fondness for the non-non-mainstream Pabst Blue Ribbon, more commonly referred to as PBR, and feigning delight in subpar bands just because the mainstream has never heard of said bands. (Probably with good reason.)

Hipster douchebag tweets: "Wow, I can't believe that person tweets so much! Don't they have a life?"

Hipster douchebag gets a crappy haircut for the irony of it after criticizing a coworker or social acquaintance's bad haircut the day before.

by Andrew Badera May 28, 2010

68πŸ‘ 285πŸ‘Ž


(B)ac(k)ronym for Hirsute, Inked, Pierced, Self-Important, Trendy, Entitled, Retro-wearing Slobs.

Hipsters hating on other hipsters have never been so hip.

by Regent Devil December 4, 2009

120πŸ‘ 535πŸ‘Ž