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Human Herbivore

The human herbivore was designed to live on earth as an integral part of nature. He has become estranged from nature by a culture 'artificially scripted' by extremely ancient temple communities.

These societies determined at some point in their evolution to produce a class of humans capable of violence to protect them and guard their treasures. They set about to define cultural mores that would insure that captured children raised inside these artificial reality cultures would never be able to learn the truth of their naturally peaceful and attuned natures.

They raised them to kill small animals; consume flesh; war with each other; be competitive in all matters; never speak truthfully and never assume that anyone else was unless they were authority figures.

They taught them that only discipline should be trusted, mind over matter (meaning over ones natural instincts), that 'nature' was cruel, that only artificial engineering could insure comfort and peace...

But mostly they taught them to always look to a leader and listen to nothing else. They instituted a culture of rewards and punishments and were able to create desensitized warriors that could kill on demand.

These meat-eating creatures, who other temple members considered something of a monstrosity, were kept isolated from the rest of society. Their creation also brought about the need for the creation of strict castes so that the greater society would not be polluted by their conditioned and violent natures but also their unusual diseases.

Thus two completely unique societies became both intertwined and interdependent with all the consequent convolutions of logic apparent today.
Eventually, this 'warrior' class overthrew the original temple culture completely. These temple cultures existed across the globe and as each fell to a class of warriors, wars broke out between the now warrior-dominated temple societies as well.

This separation and artificial society began with man's induced separation from nature, in particular, the most basic part which allows him to fully participate in all of nature... his human herbivore design.

See: Milton Mills, MD., "Comparative Anatomy of Eating"

This design is his key to communion and the development of wisdom, a result of communion with nature.

The human herbivore that practices meat-eating is blinded to his true nature by the gross unnaturalness of his behavior and the culture that enables it.

by Cheryl Maietta October 31, 2006

182๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

Human Helicopter

When a group of males, (3 or more) tie their penises together and begin spinning so fast in order to defy gravity and gain flight.

Guy 1: Hey man, what you sayin'?

Guy 2: Nothin' much. Gunna smoke some bubba kush and do a human helicopter.

Guy 1: Oh shit bro, can I get in on that?

Guy 2: Fuck yeah, dawg!

by Brikabrak August 22, 2011

23๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Sub-Human is someone who unironically uses โ€œnoโค๏ธโ€œ

Person:Valid Arguementโ„ข๏ธ

Brain-dead Sub-Human: noโค๏ธ

by Coomaloomadooma September 20, 2020

27๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

human flag

a person who goes to a pole and balanced his/her whole body with just their hands, looking like a flag.

Person 1: Hey, look at him!! what is he doing?

Person 2: Oooh, he is just doing the human flag, how strong he is to blance his whole body like that!

Person 1: Wow! Just amazing, i wanna do that too!!

Person 2: You're not that strong!

by yagba June 5, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

The human race

Humans are interesting to say the least. One minute we are fighting each other over beliefs and ethnicity and the other we are looking to the people beside us and joining hands. There are two things in our lives that influence everything we do: survival of ourselves and survival of our species. The reason we look for the hot chicks is to make more people, we want money so we have better food and shelter. And the reason we fight..... how the fuck should I know, but at the end of the day, after the blood, destruction, and darkness, is a light leading to hope, new beginnings, and unity. We look to the stars, because you may ask? The sky's the limit. If we can dream it, we can do it.
P.S. These are my thoughts and my theories.

Soon, the human race will leave the chains of difference and have everlasting peace.

by ColdSuit December 23, 2013

55๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Human Bean

Meaning: "Human Being". As spoken by similar intellects that say "Every Think", instead of "Everything".

Similarly, "Bean" may be substituted for "Been" in written form.

Look, I'm a human bean too, it seems everythink I say has bean ignored, init?

by maudibe June 23, 2017

32๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Human Civilization

What we humans arrogantly presume to call a large population of humans.
*see oxymoron

Every time I turn on the TV I see examples of why human beings are not civilized; and as the word "Civilization" contains the root word "civil", there is no such thing as a "Human Civilization"
Shall I list off ALL the examples?

by Canadamus Prime May 18, 2006

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž