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horse jockey

A short and small blond girl, weighing like 80 pounds. They get drunk all the time and can't remember the next morning. Most are named Bridget

Omg, look at that horse jockey, she can play flip cup like it's her job, that's she's eye level to the table.

by AFriendOfAFriend May 31, 2009

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Fence Jockey

Urban youths who spend all their free time sitting on fences near pay phones while shouting at traffic and attempting to sell drugs.

Look at that bunch of fence jockeys sitting by the 7-11.

by Landric April 2, 2003

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Nob Jockey

A man who rides another mans penis

Indy is such a nob jockey. He just loves Bens nob up hes bum.

by indyben October 11, 2013

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Status Jockey

one of your friends on facebook who seems to like (and ride) every single status you post to your wall regardless of what the update is about.

"Did you see Damian's facebook wall? Mary has liked 9 out of his last 10 update posts. She's a total Status Jockey".

by bkny22 September 7, 2011

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pen jockey

the dj of the pen; one with mad writing skills, particularly of remix stories

Katie was writing an awesome remix story, and declared herself a pen jockey.

by theofficialPJ March 16, 2010

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cock jockey

a homo-sexual

a cock jockey is what gay or gays are

by Nb2009 January 31, 2009

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Elbow Jockey

Someone who when playing poker decides to change the rules to make the game unnecessarily complicated in order to show off their knowledge of poker.

Introducing the big blinds, small blinds (aka big skank, small skank) halfway through the game.

by Stuart Roberts August 9, 2005

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