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Urban Knight

A white person with lots of bling. Carries a roll of 50/100 dollar bills and carries a disposable Virgin mobile phone. Usually forgets said phone trying to dispose of it without throwing it out. Usually related to drug dealing.

Thank god the Urban knights are gone! It took them forever at Western Union, is that their phone?

by syouma September 2, 2008

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Black Knight

It’s Someone who can’t get any girls
It’s the opposite of a β€œwhite knight” which is someone who is a simp

Yo this guy doesn’t get any girls, what a black knight

by Sgetti November 22, 2020

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The Arabian Knight

At a party the first geeza to pass out, shave his head, cum on his head and then wrap a sheet around his head. Sheet and cum glues to head heance creating The Arabian Knight

Dude, Last night at Jenny's Fag Party me gave the skinny fuck Sam passed out and he got The Arabian Knight

by Sauce.Man December 6, 2007

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mage knight

A game that is mostly played by nerds. It is kind of like chess, only you use characters instead of pieces.

by Anonymous July 6, 2003

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Phoenix Knight

A pain in everyone's ass. A Phoenix Knight is annoying, condescending and an all-around tool.

Katie: God, that guy is really annoying.
Nikki: Yep. He's a Phoenix Knight.

by DementedLaLa May 28, 2009

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Meta Knight


Its not possible to put Meta knight in a sentence

by gaui,jklonig August 3, 2018

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Knights of the Shoe

An evil organization hell-bent on worldwide destruction! Based in Bergen County Academies, their arch-enemies are the Knights of the Ring, who somehow defeat them every time they engage in combat.

The vast evil armies of the Knights of the Shoe were easily defeated by the Knights of the Ring

by The Council of the Knighthood April 15, 2005

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