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What happens when you point out the flaws in someone's proposition. They begin to repeat themselves in an attempt the discourse from resolving. The conclusion they are trying to avoid by doing this is that "they're full of shit." That's their defense mechanism.

Hym "Jordan your conflating women with God and I'm not going to let you sit their and pretend you're not wrong. It doesn't matter how many times you repeat yourself the fact that I made you loop makes you look wrong to everyone. You're looping harder than that panpsychist Alex O'Connor picked apart."

by Hym Iam July 17, 2023


Yeah, Gayve. My manager at work does that all the time actually. Maybe some social anxiety? Not a trait conducive to being a president but ALSO I don't like that she kept that guy in prison even though he wasn't guilty! But, TO BE FAIR, you all did and are doing that exact same thing!

Hym "Yeah she's looping pretty hard. If she's in right brain she must have some kind of social anxiety. She did well I the debate but that was both curated and tilted in her favor a bit... Anyways, you know, conquering the world would be way more fun with super powers. I saw an article about some nanobots they created that can coalesce into things, like, the example they used was a wrench. WHICH MEANS! I should be a nanobot vampire pretty soon here! So I might get to take on your armies here in a bit That'll be fun.

by Hym Iam February 25, 2025

Timmy Loop

A cult invented by a popular creator “Sangwoosanklefetish_” on a app called TikTok. A Timmy Loop would be a wild Tony Lopez cosplaying as “Hisoka Morrow” from a popular anime called “Hunter x Hunter” or Hisoka could be cosplaying Tony Lopez the cult leader has not confirmed these theories.

Oh look it’s a wild Timmy Loop

by Foodbegudtho March 14, 2021

Jonathan Froot Loop The 3rd

Jonathan Froot Loop the 3rd is a wanted crimal for sending minors nudes. That is such a L thing to do.

Hey guys quandale dingle here, my friend Jonathan Froot Lop the 3rd was arrested for sending minors nudes to people like Josh B(the predator of 5th graders)

Jonathan Froot Loop the 3rd is the name of a wanted criminal also wanted with Quandale Dingle. He is know to be a furry and a Xvideos femboy. He also send Josh B.(the predator kids cheeks jiggling in slow motion and he wanted to use up his lotion.

by JamariusQuangleDangleFan2001 May 26, 2022

Boop loops

likes dennys but also likes being loyal to only the homies on hello kitty frfr

Dennys employee "i am boop loops dude"

Lachlan "woah"

by Certified penis pit maneuver January 10, 2025


Another way of saying rim job... you use your tongue as a scoop the loop being the butthole.

Margaret :"Moe do you scoop-a-loop?"
Moe : "Margaret that is gross, I will not give you a rim job"

by Rosewood February 18, 2016

2nd loop girl

When a girl has the perfect sized bust due to her being too thicc to fit in a on the 1st hook but skinny enough to not put her bra on the 3rd

Damn she a 2nd loop girl if I've ever seen one

by Mymomhasabiggerdickthanyou April 9, 2018