A man to whom all cats are attracted since birth. They simply love him and can't keep calm when he is around.
Himanshu is such a cat magnet. All my cats roam around him.
Wams is FULL of weirdos when I say FULL I mean FULL OF EM.. wams has grade A white whores. Wams is full of drug heads who love, love to smoke weed or love to jul, wams always have some drama there mostly white there but not Pussy, So if you have a drug addiction WAMS IS THE SCHOOL FOR U
Waterbury Arts Magnet school
Another word for - drug attic‘s
I am going to wams school
A person who attracts people so you can make easy friends.
Im bad at making friends i wish i had a friend magnet
Something with a magnetic quality
To stick the picture in her locker, she put the magnetical thing up in front of it.
1👍 1👎
Make a list of all the things that you come into contact
with every day that use magnets. The pictures below will
give you some clues. You might like to share your ideas
with others and compile a class list.
Magnets that might be found at home
7 Forces in action 207
Like poles
Unlike poles
Magnetic fields
The metallic objects attracted to a magnet lie within
the magnet’s magnetic feld. The magnetic feld is the
area around a magnet where its magnetic force acts.
Although magnetic felds are invisible, we can
visualise what they look like by sprinkling iron flings
around a magnet. The iron flings line up along the
magnetic feld lines.
Iron flings sprinkled around bar magnets
The magnetic feld is drawn as shown in this
diagram. The lines show the direction of the magnetic
force. The lines are closest together where the magnetic
force is greatest and are furthest apart where the
magnetic force is weakest.
The magnetic feld around a bar magnet
Just as iron flings align with the magnetic feld, the
needle of a compass lines up with the magnetic feld.
The north pole of the compass points in the direction
of a magnet’s magnetic feld.
Magnetic forces are things that pull or push things together.
similar to the way like i push girls away from me and all the gay kids towards me :
i person who always seems to attract muppets (A person who is ignorant and generally has no idea about anything.) muppet
im feel like a muppet magnet , i always end up with muppets around me.