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Jerry Maine

A slang term for marijuana. Originally said to have been made by some dyslexic guy who meant to say Mary Jane, but ended up saying Jary Mane instead. The newly created word has since become the most popular slang for marijuana, and has been respelled to Jerry Maine.

Yeah, give me some Jerry Maine.
What? You mean Mary Jane?
No, you fucking retard. Give me Jerry Maine.

by Rusty Shackleberg February 6, 2005

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Sombra main

Someone who gets their team to win and is actually good

Enemy team: we're gonna win!!
Sombra main: about that-

by I_hate_snakeu February 24, 2020

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Lyman Maine

Located In Southern Maine. 40 minutes from Kittery and 30 minutes from Portland. Somewhat Classy, Somewhat Trashy. Mostly residential. There are some beautiful lakes there. Quite a lovely place to live if you want to be close to the ocean and mountains. Local Townie is Benji. Great desitnation for a pond party!!

Im heading up to Lyman Maine to relax and sit by the pond.. And paaaarrrrtyyyy!!!!

by megatronik July 23, 2008

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main line

process of injecting a drug directly into one's bloodstream.

if you main line that speedball, youll get sick as shit.. and then feel absolutely nothing.

by simon September 2, 2003

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Lux Main

A typical lux main is toxic and annoying. He/she usually misses their q and loves to troll. He/she wants kills even tho they're a support. Going 11/0/17 on Lux support means that you are very good at the game.

Wow! That is a Lux Main

by Asian Tin Can July 24, 2019

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Huntress main

Someone that mains the character huntress is the game dead by daylight , they’re either an incredible human being , they pull all the girls and also are very funny people. The other breed of huntress mains are not loved by there family , there is also a 99% they have ttv in their name and are not good at the game.

Ohhh a huntress main , uh oh time to hide.

by Kyletopfragz February 11, 2022

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A person who plays as Chewbacca all of the time in Star Wars Battlefront II. Can be a troll in the game, induces a lot of rage quits by enemy players.

"Dude the only reason they are winning is because they have a Chewie-Main on their team."
"That Chewie-Main is spawn camping us, we can't run away!"

by RyanxyzMc November 10, 2018