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sting money

The biggest paycheck you can get at your own workplace. Nobody is allowed to make more money than that.

It refers to 80's and 90's WCW Wrestling star "Sting" (aka Steve Borden)
Sting was known as the highest paid employee at WCW (WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING)

When former WWE wrestlers would seek employment with WCW. They would lie and tell the other members of the WWE locker room that they were getting "Sting Money" for quitting Vince McMahon's company and jumping to Ted Turner's company.

This was a tactic used to get people gossipping, in order to recieve a bigger Counter money offer from McMahon by falsely-inflating the amount of money.

"Sting Money" is alleged to be $750,000 per year by former WCW Executive Vice President. Eric Bischoff

Scott Hall: "Hey yo Kev...you should give your notice today. Ted Turner is offering me STING MONEY to leave New York to go wrestle in Atlanta"

Kevin Nash: "STING MONEY?! WOW! Even Ric Flair doesn't get paid STING MONEY!"

by rdu3 May 2, 2018

plastic money

Another name for a credit card or debit card.

Don't bother reaching for your wallet; I have some plastic money, honey.

by BornBlitzed September 14, 2010

moldy money

Drug money/ dirty money received or made by illegal transactions. Or money saturated by vaginal secretions earned by a stripper or prostitute. Used in a sentence.

yo bro let's go spend some moldy money. Girl I was dancing last night and have all this moldy money to blow.

by Austin j January 7, 2014

just money

used to describe a fine ass male,but rarely a female.
or to describe your thug status.

"look at that guy"
"oh yeah hes just money."
"im a hustla,im just money,just money"

by just money July 19, 2006

Matador Money

Quickly dolling out a large amount of cash to avoid an unpleasant situation.

My angry ex-girlfriend came b-lining towards my table, so I quickly threw down some matador money and took off.

by Riverson April 29, 2011

Skunk money

When you go balls out doing something stupid

ME:Yo Steve do you wanna skunk money it
STEVE:I don't know looks a bit dangerous

ME:Do it for the boyz?

by Rat pudding 49 January 27, 2017

Fuck-It Money

The state of having so much extra money lying around that you can just say "fuck it" and spend it on cool stuff.

The term "fuck-it money" originates from IEM San Jose 2015 when Mark Cuban was fined $15,000 dollars for saying "fuck." Cuban was told that the money was going to Cybersmile, an anti-cyberbullying non-profit organization. After being asked if he wanted to up the pay to $30,000 his simple response was "Fuck-it."

Bill: Jim, did you buy a life sized animatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex?
Jim: You bet your sweet dick I did.
Bill: It must me nice having that fuck-it money.

by EvanLX March 16, 2017