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panda style

A sex move where one person punches the other in the face, resulting in them getting a black eye. The punch can occur at 3 different stages:
1: Before sex. Most commonly performed by wife beaters.
2: During sex. Most commonly performed by kinky partners.
3: After sex. Most commonly after an ill recieved post-coital slip of the tongue. e.g. "By the way, I'm married"

In the first episode of Californication, that girl from The Nanny goes panda style on David Duchovny.

by Ε teggs August 29, 2007

62πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Grover Style

Anal fucking a girl while she's doing crab push-ups

I couldn't believe it, she let me give it to her Grover Style!

by CJ Bant6 December 7, 2009

20πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Dougie Style

Unprotected sex, often times resulting in an unwanted pregnancy.

"Aw man, did you hear about Josh and Meredith? I heard they did it Dougie Style"
"Oh no, Josh better be ready for fatherhood."

by Tryyyde June 21, 2015

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Turkey Style

When having vaginal intercourse with a woman, the man pulls out to ejaculate on her breasts. i.e. Stuffing and basting.

"She likes it Turkey Style."

by Frito-boy November 2, 2009

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Savoy style

The original form of Lindy Hop, the partner dance that accompanies swing jazz.
So named because the pioneers of the dance, such as Frankie Manning and Whitey's Lindy Hoppers, were regular dancers at the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem.

Those cats are crouching too low for Hollywood style, they must be doing Savoy style. They're really swingin'!

by Thee Red Monkey May 31, 2006

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reynold style

Burt Reynold Style. A reference to the movie Smokey the Bandit, a movie in which Burt Reynolds stared in.

So you'r going bandit reynold's style?

by brodie November 15, 2004

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cali style

Packing a personal bong load for each person in a smoking circle while smoking marijuana. The result is a nice fresh green hit for all in the circle. Very time consuming but everyone gets a fare hit.

Lets pack this bowl Cali style so everyone gets a nice tasty hit.

by sourdeez May 17, 2009

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž