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obama rich

Nigger rich taken to extremes:

When you spend the entire weath of wealth of a nation in just 4 short years.

When you are handed the keys to a nation's treasury and you spend it like a welfare check.

I am Obama rich. I am going to spend the working man's money on health care for the lazy people who don't work.

I am Obama rich. I think I will gold plate White House.

by Wiper Down April 10, 2010

376๐Ÿ‘ 216๐Ÿ‘Ž


LITTLE OLD LADY or even young, maybe not such a lady,,
BUT HOT on the political trail WORKIN' IT for OUR MAN!

She's MY wife and yeah she;'s out hitting the streets every night! SHE'S AN OBAMA MAMA. I Saw one knitting on the street and handing out pamphlets. Someone Yelled she's HOOKING ON THE CORNER! It's an OBAMA MAMA. (kids and coffee not always included)

by D MATTHEWS January 11, 2008

163๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž


A new breed of young black males that are non Gang bang affiliated, well educated, nicely groomed. Most not all obama-nigga's are gay and wear tight jeans colorful shirts and almost always never seen with out a scarf. obama-nigga's are very trustworty and just the type of black people you would rent out a house or apartment to . In the presidents case it is the white house. this new breed of black young males are growing rapidly and can be easily spotted taking up sports that are not common amongst your average black male like skate boarding, surfing and sports like tennis . if you look back in the recent pass decades this sort of black person never existed and if so was never accepted in the black community. Due to our first Black African AMerican President brought forth a new breed of black males called the obama-nigga

WOW today on the college campus I seen alot of Obama-nigga's skate boarding those guys are cool they never try to jack me when I sale them weed.

Look at that Obama-Nigga he think he the shit just cause he can afford to go to a fancy resturant with his tight ass jeans an gay scarf on

by Bryan K Bradley February 6, 2010

80๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

Obama fever

The physical and explosive nausea felt by a thinking person when watching the media perform journalistic fellatio on Barak Obama.

Person 1
"If I see another so called "journalist" or "media personality" fellating Barak Obama in the media, I'm going to puke!"
Persons 2
"Sounds like YOU have Obama fever. Would you feel better if the media would ask him about all his "sealed" records that might indicate his true origin of citizenship?"
Person 1 "Yes.. yes it would."

by felipe2009 January 20, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Obama fag

Someone who jerks off to obama's speeches on YouTube and has wet dreams about sucking him off. A real failure.

Liberals spill rivers of semen for their idol. All Obama fags should be executed.

by Phoenix777 June 18, 2009

434๐Ÿ‘ 262๐Ÿ‘Ž

Obama Hangover

2. Once the shine of a good speech from 4 years wears away and you realize that all you have in front of you is an empty suit. i.e.: Aregular guy who was taken, before he even knew he was poor to the most exclusive schools in the world; who calls himself black but was raised by white mother and grandparents after two black fathers abandoned him, who DID NOT vote against the war in Iraq because he was a state rep from Chicago at the time NOT Senator, that has not laid out one single policy or plan of action besides "hope and change we can believe in" and who is the truest example of The Affirmative Action President.
b. Realizing theres no chance he would be where he was if it wasnt for his skin color but having to hear some idiot hold on to the old adage that somehow being black hurts you in this country when every single federal program/pop culture/teaching in academia is bent to be Pro Black Anti White and will yell out that his skin color actually hurt him.
Yeah, Hate Crimes, I know all those gangbangers in Compton are terrified of a bunch of lacrosse players from La Jolla coming down and kicking ass. Barack Hussein Obama is his name, its not an insult, its HIS NAME>

My God, if I have to watch one more Obama supporter spew on about hope or change one more time with absolutely no concrete plan backing it up and only being seduced by the man's speaking style I will honestly start calling America: "Germany 1931"
Also, if I have to hear one more rich white person talk about "hope" or "change" I will puke. What in the world are you hoping to change? The way its been going so far has worked out great for you. Ugh, I have an Obama Hangover.

by Carl The Truth Williams August 28, 2008

192๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž


An arrogant leader of the liberal statist and marxist drones. They all follow one another off the cliff in belief it is for good change. Yes, it is good change because all of these drones need to walk off the cliff to save us all from the marxist. His wife is a biatch who is finally proud of her country because healthcare will financially break the back of America. YES WE CAN! CHANGE!

I am Obama-nigger! I love power and control! Everyone loves me because I stand for change! YES WE CAN! CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE! I am the chosen one! Wait! I guess I can't. My approval ratings are in the tank because people have figured me out. I'm a great campaigner, just not a great leader. When I say one thing, I mean the exact oposite. YES I DID!

by Obamaba!! March 25, 2010

700๐Ÿ‘ 439๐Ÿ‘Ž