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A frizzed out hairdo, like an afro, but on a Mexican.

Yo, your man Eric needs to use some hair gel to tone down that mexi-puff of his.

by Liz Whiz February 25, 2009

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Roney Puffs

Can replace inappropriate words or any words it sounds funny with. It doesn't really mean anything. Pronounced ROW-NEE PUFFZ

"Dude get your roney out of there"
"I'm gonna punch you in the roney puffs if you don't call me back!"

by Roney Puffs May 25, 2007

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Pampy Puff

James is a pampy puff and a OGL scub

James Harrison is a pampy puff and a scrub hahaha

by Matt December 6, 2004

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creame puff

When you fill a woman's ass with whipped cream and she farts it into her partner's mouth when eating them out/fucking.

"Mason got hungry so he asked her to give him a creame puff. . . Ate it all up."

by thatfunnygirlraven August 20, 2012

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Coco puff

The act of a black man fallowing a large white woman

Guy 1: I guess Bryan and Emma are dating now

Guy 2: yeah he's her little Coco puff

by GrayFox1534 March 23, 2016

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cocoa puffs

A black chick's tits.

"Gawddam, that Naomi Campbell has some nice cocoa puffs!"

by P-Diddler June 27, 2003

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huff puff

Noun: Word to describe a person in a bad mood. Variations on this include 'Huff Puff the Magic Dragon' and 'Huff Puff Daddy'

Adjective: Word to describe a bad mood. This can be a general mood or a mood caused by someone's actions which becomes a form of passive aggression.

"She's such a huff puff (the magic dragon)"
"Someone's in a huff puff today!"
"She's gone in a huff puff with us again"

by Rachiolanthe July 4, 2008

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