Source Code

Random Bint

A term used to describe a woman or girl who you don't know, but you have seen or heard of. Usually this is a woman who you instantly dislike without even having any interaction.

"It was a great night, but some random bint was texting Chris and chatting him up! I was like G-R-R-R!"

by Corinne Simpson October 15, 2006

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Runescape Random

A runescape random is a player that is not in his homeworld and is unknown to the regular people of that particular world. An unknown, nobody that most likely is considered a noob.

That noob Thefrankyy is a runescape random in world 48.

by 666bellatrix March 18, 2009

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random insanity

A once great board that is now overrun by Pikadeth's Playhouse clones.

"Let's see what's going on in RI... all right, the new Playhouse is up! Wait, so is the new Mall Fight... and the Garden... and the Apartment..."

by annoying hamster August 23, 2003

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Random Vendom

If you are Random Vendom you are probably a person who is sick with isayrandomwords disease


Hi bro do you like having p00ps with onion rings as a breakfast ?

by GLCB THE KING October 31, 2021

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random dudeing

To always be annoying and doesn't listen

guy 1: Bro tell random we have to go
guy 2: I am he just won't listen he keeps random dudeing

by c00lmoose January 26, 2020

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really random

really random

really really random right?

by kewt cat May 13, 2020

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Random Roll

To Rick Roll random e-mail addresses accessed through a shared directory of e-mail addresses, such as a university e-mail program directory.

I got bored last night, so I just started typing in letters, picking e-mail addresses, and Random Rolling them.

by sls11 January 28, 2009

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