telling someone to do something or when they say something stupid
Alice : your cat stripped on your phone and broke it
me : yes because my petite cat is gonna smash the screen (sarcastically)
Alice : sorry mum
Just the most narcissistic shit...
A retard "Sorry you feel that way."
Hym "It isn't a feeling. How I feel is irrelevant. This is oppression facilitated by suppression. There has never been an end to oppression without violence. So, is it today or no? The discourse doesn't seem to be working. I don't know what you think is going happen here. I've reduced your options to 2. There is no being on a team with any of you fucks and anyone stupid enough to do it is bulding a house on an obelisk. You're not sorry. There is no sorry. This entire society is a farce and if you're not going to let me out of it I'm just going to murder a kid and kill myself. Hurry it up. When do you want it to happen? Figure it out. Let's go."
A phrase people use when they make a mistake or do something wrong. It is showing that you did not mean to do anything wrong.
Person 1: "I can't believe you broke my vase! It was an expensive antique!"
Person 2: "im sorry.."
Person 1: "You should be ashamed of yourself!"
Person 2: :(
If you say sorry to someone that means you won't do it again don't say sorry unless you mean it
I'm sorry for what I did
You say this to your friends when you are about to kill them
Friend: why do you have a knife in your hand?
You: I'm sorry but I want to kill you
Friend: Please don't, why would you do this?
You: I don't know I just feel like doing it because why not
Just mean there sorry, simply it.
But, If you have a friend that "i'm sorry" a-lot.
Check up on them, they may have some issues going on at home/school/well any place that you can thing of.
Just talk to them, I sure they will better.
*1 would bump into 2"
1: i'm sorry
2: You don't need to say sorry, I know it was a Mistake.
When you don't feel bad for something you did wrong.
Freind: Ow bitch you almost broke my fucking arm
Freind: oops I am sorry... NOT BITCH AAHAHAHAHA