The word Signe originates from Latin. It means large forehead.
Look at that girl she totally has a Signe
A sign used in prison/jail settings to alert others you are doin’ ur business....can serve dual purpose, hopefully at separate times.
Offender Smith had to drop a deuce so he put his shitterbation sign up so his celly would know to steer clear for a bit.
Definition 1: A Metaphor to sign away an Individuals state of Freedom.
Definition 2: Within certain religions a delusion of impossibility, because a soul is incapable of being exchanged within a contract, when a soul belongs to the creator of the soul.
Definition 3: A religious belief to exchange a soul within a contract.
Example 1: I required to endure my Mother-In-Laws nagging for my Wife to forgive me, it was like I had to sign away my soul for love.
Example 2: You cannot sign away your soul it is the Property of God.
Example 3: I agreed to a contract with my Master Lucifer to sign away my soul, for a sexy lover.
Is in love with Tommy D and Sammy D
One who holds up a gang sign (🤟🏻) is in love with Tommy D and Sammy D
Someone has feelings for/is talking to or dating someone
“Im thinking about asking Jessica out man”
“She was talking to me earlier and said it was a sign, she never gave me a name though”
“It’s a sign”
When you con someone into signing a deal that benefits you better than the other member.
“Err.. Joe? It says you get 99% of my company for Nothing... Are you trying to get a Green Sign?”
“No, no. Read less, sign more.”