Exceeding the posted speed limit by such a large margin that if clocked by the authorities, your "Speeding Ticket," involves a Bailbondsman, a lawyer and an impound fee. Exceptions include: A pregnant woman giving birth and any wound requiring more than 12 stitches to either yourself or a passenger (Both are valid only when enroute to a hospital).
Felony Speed." ex: Driving 116mph in a 65mph zone and getting clocked on radar by police. Double points on your license if it was in a construction zone. You can't talk your way out of a ticket if the officer has his gun drawn and is performing a "Felony Stop."
The speed at which a video spreads on the internet, a scale to measure how viral something is by using the Kony 2012 video as a basis.
"That announcement of Anchorman 2 is at 1.5 times Kony-Speed"
"The home movie of you and your friend singing Spice Girls in your basement is at -200 Kony-Speed"
Getting humped in a motion of going over a speed bump
The best level in sonic adventure 1 with amazing music and high speed sections
Guy 1: what’s your favorite level in sonic adventure 1. Guy 2: speed highway what else do you think
Stands for almost C the speed of light or 99.9%.
Some stars that orbit a black holes have been found to orbit at AC speed