Def 1: some one that cannot assert themselves when necessary
Def 2: a problem an infant has when he/she cannot learn to breastfeed/suckle
Ex 1: "Mark said that guy was a weak suck because he was letting his ex-girlfriend walk all over him."
Ex 2: "The newborn could not get the nutrients needed due to the fact she had a weak suck."
When someone gets in trouble for no reason you tell them that it sucks booty
Brylee~I got my phone taken up for a 85 on a paper
Kimber~well that sucks booty
when a guy named archer sucks a mans shit out his anus and snorts their farts.
The act of one person placing their mouth over another's anus and providing gentle or hard suction whilst the other person intentionally defacates.
Did you hear about Schulyer? Apparently he was sucking nuggets with his girlfriend.
A combination of oral sex followed by intercourse
She sucked and fucked me until my eyes rolled back in my head
When you do something idiotic and you want to curse but there are a bunch of ladies or other people so you decide to tone the cursing down.
Or when you want to be pessimistic but funny.
Random Person: My solar eclipse glasses finally arrived - FOUR DAYS AFTER THE SOLAR ECLIPSE.
Random Other Random Person: Well this sucks for you, idiot.
Sav is short for saveloy. Saveloy is a Sausage. Sausage looks like a penis. This is the same as saying "Suck a dick" but with an Australian Twist.
** Broden is a annoyed and is taking his anger out on Mark and Zach **
Broden: You can suck a sav
Broden: Hey Mark
Mark: Yes?
Broden: Guess what?
Mark: What?
Broden: You can suck a sav.
Broden: You can both suck a sav, because I am done.