0: Messenger Add Oak Is Hisoka Angelu Morrow
When someone slaps you with their wood in the face, and it followed up with cum. Usually unpleasant, but can be made pleasurable if the receiving end is into it.
Guy 1: Yeah, I Oak Slapped her last night dude!
Guy 2: Yoooo congrats! Did she like it?
Guy 1: Yeah, she’s a freak
Zero: Messenger Add Oak Are Master Bison
A person who acts gay but you know is not gay but is still called gay
Friend:Bro did u see that gay oak
A Group where You Sign up your daughter and the greedy coaches who are fat and have hooked noses take a shit ton of your money so your daughter along with other little shits can swing a flag around on a football field for 5 minutes a game and you don't get to see them that much and pay five thousand dollars just for the football season so the fatass coaches can eat food and drink whiskey then they also make your daughter into free child labor making them go to a fundraiser to buy shit like a trailer and a floor then they make you pay another five grand just to do winter guard where you have to go all around Louisiana and Mississippi to watch them throw flags around which requires no skill at all while they abuse your daughter by yelling at them at practice
Julie regretted using her hard-earned money to sign up her daughter for the Live Oak Jr High Colorguard, where greedy, overweight coaches with hooked noses took a massive chunk of her cash so her daughter could swing flags around for just five minutes per game, only to then demand more of Julie's money for winter guard, turning her daughter into free child labor at fundraisers, all while the coaches indulged in food and whiskey.
I like dick cause im hern
oak a doke guys cause i like dick
== Noun ==
A "special" but rather nauseating episode of Everything's Rosie. It's where Rosie and her friends go and find out how old Oakley is, however what makes it nauseating is that EVERYONE's heads squish throughout the episode, and poor Archie the chameleon got thrown straight into a hollow tree.
When someone wishes upon an oak, they say "One, two, three, blow!" which causes their head to squish non stop. Over time the head will be so squishy the skull will have been fractured. This can result in having a stroke or brain damage. If no medical treatment is applied to it, the person would die from wishing upon an oak.
== Noun ==
Person 1: What are your thoughts on When You Wish Upon An Oak, the Everything's Rosie special?
Person 2: It was AWFUL! Their heads kept squishing! I'm NEVER watching that episode ever again!!
== Verb ==
Person 1: One, two, three, blow!
(their head starts squishing)
(Weeks later, the person's head starts squishing so much their skull is fractured)
Person 1: I knew I shouldn't've wished upon an oak!