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bunny tail

When pubic hair extends around the anus forming a nappy tail. More noticable when a person doesn't shave all the way down and it grows to a little bush.

Melissa's bunny tail always shows around her thong, precariously perched behind her camel toes.

by Basketball Jones April 3, 2004

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Whale Tail

The visibility of a woman's thong through her pants.

That woman needed some darker pants, because you could see her whale tail right through them.

by Zac Weldon July 11, 2007

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elephant tail

When you dont wipe your ass after shitting and they ball up at the end of your ass hairs

Mark Boozer didnt shower for days after he took a shit and deveolped elephant tails

by anthony1 April 27, 2014

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Waggy Tail

A male of homosexual preference.
another way of saying Gay or Happy.
Not meant to be derogatory or used to shame.

That guy wearing lipstick is a waggy tail.
That boy likes show tunes to much not to be a waggy tail.

by Afflictus August 15, 2010

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Beaver Tail

A fecal streak in your tighty whities of such width, depth and color that it resembles the tail of a beaver.

Although I wiped until my ass was sore, I still had a beaver tail in my undies at the end of the day.

by Lord Blackstone March 31, 2015

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Whale Tail

When a camel toe and a FUPA are intertmixed in one package.

Check out the whale tail on that broad!

by duality8808 August 30, 2011

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Gorilla Tail

N. A long braid of hair sported by African-American men that runs down the back. It is a longer, braided version of the Rat Tail.

Devin Hester's gorilla tail is just magnificent.
Rat Tail
Devin Hester

by Jim Kelly's Nephew October 12, 2010

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