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humiliated mess

a girl puts a guy who has to piss in a rear naked choke and uses her legs to squeeze the piss out of him.

he was a humiliated mess when his jilted x girlfriend put him in a rear naked choke hold and squeezed the piss out of him in front of everyone at the party.

by Gozaagustus March 21, 2022

dairy mess

When someone who is lactosintolerant eats/drinks dairy proctuct(s) and ends up having fluid and or gases exit their mouth or anus.

Andrew ate poutine last night and made a huge dairy mess in his pants the next day

by capn' crunch February 7, 2014

drunken mess

when your very drunk and is mess to everyone

Fozzy is a drunken mess

by reallygoodlookingman1 May 16, 2022

Drunken Mess

When you are a complete mess while you are drunk

Fozzy is a drunken mess

by reallygoodlookingman1 May 14, 2022

Keen for the mess

When your keen no matter the outcome.

Yeah come through big Homie I'm keen for the mess 😹💯

by LADYPAC June 30, 2022

mess crank

A mess crank is U.S Navy jargon for the lower ranks position working in the galley, same as K.P. in the Army.

Get your ass in my galley, mess crank, and swab this deck -NOW !!!

by Woodstock78 April 24, 2020

hot mutton mess

The typical over 50s female with scraggly hair, overall disheveled appearance, husky voice like she smokes 10 packs a day and that overwhelming air of look-at-me-I'm-a biker-chick persona. The type who will never learn your name if you're ethnic and totters around like a drunk scarecrow, whatever that means.

the pure definition of hot mutton mess are types like Megan or Leigh.

hot mutton mess sounds like a cheap open sandwich you'd buy from a budget food truck but in fact, it actually defines a person.

by ACunny September 11, 2024