Using your hand like a sock puppet without a sock and sneakily inserting it into an unsuspecting lovers butthole/vagina
Sharon loves a good quiet sneaky when she's drunk
Bro I'm really craving a quiet sneaky right now
When the kids are awake so mom and dad gotta get busy in the laundry room .
Yesterday I gave my son my iPad so me and his mom could slip into the laundry room for some sneaky booty .
When your partner is supposed to be getting lubed up but sneaks in maple syrup instead of lube.
Me and my husband wanted to try anal but that bastard gave me a sneaky canuck
A sex move where the man is in the middle of doing the sex to the woman when he sneakily slips his pinky in her asshole and says “sneak attack”.
Toomp "Last night I did The Sneaky Pinky with LaQrounchia."
Someone who is sleeping or unaware gets nutted on the face and ice thrown on them
My friend wouldn’t wake up so I gave him a sneaky Eskimo
When you get torque! or sniped blind in the head in gears of war.
(Marrru) Let me get torch! so i can sneaky blind him.
Someone whose questionable actions cause you to learn an important lesson and then they pretend it was their plan to enlighten you all along.
(South Park) While Stan's ploy to distract others from his own dishonesty inadvertently led to people taking up a positive cause, his "that was really my plan all along" attitude cemented his reputation as a Sneaky Butthole.
(Arrested Development) George Senior's use of Sneaky Butthole tactics to teach his children life lessons may have traumatized them, but they sure didn't forget to leave a note on the fridge again. Ever.