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Gamma Squeeze

A Gamma Squeeze is a stock moving higher because people who sold “out of the moneystock option Calls are caught by a rapidly increasing stock price very close to the time decay expiration of the Call that they sold.

Tesla shot passed $1000 a share on a gamma squeeze. People who is sold out of the money options were scrambling to cover them by buying shares.

by Trentism October 28, 2021

Squeez Bacon

No, I did leave the 'e' off on purpose,

Squeez Bacon is self explanatory: it's bacon in a bootle; like ketchup. It's a delectable treat from Sweden that has somehow made it through the USDA into the shelves in America (shudders). It is said to be an almighty food worthy of the gods on the Think Geek website. I can't talk about the taste because i've never acually had it, but while it allows you to make a BBBLBT (Bacon-Bacon-Bacon-Lettuce-Bacon-Tomato) sandwich, to me the stuff looks like the filling expected to go in a frag grenade, and/or diarrhea. Now go buy a bottle for 7.99.

With Squeez Bacon, I don't have to worry about having the bacon undercooked.

by gokillifysomething December 24, 2010

main squeeze

something that is the definition of FIRE

“yo peter is my main squeeze

“that wasn’t very main squeeze of you”

crank that by soulja boy is main squeeze”

“stephanie and stefanie are main squeeze”

by heffanator420 July 2, 2021

Main Squeeze

Referring to the main woman that gets you to ejaculate so strongly that your engulfed prostate promotes an involuntary spasm of your gluteus maximus.

Having sex with my hoe is cool but it's nothing compared to sex with my main squeeze. For example, when you're hungry, you get that fast food and it does the job but it's nothing compared to that restaurant-style filet mignon.

by Wor Izzo November 23, 2020


A submissive gullible individual and member of the American MAGA cult who is devoted to Donald Trump, and who unwittingly allows him to play them like the pussy squeeze box that they are. It should be noted that as Maga-Squeeze-Boxes are simultaneously being played, Donald and his friends in the ‘Billionaires Blowing Billionaires Club’ laugh and dance to the cacophony of these millions of dumb instruments while they enrich themselves and dismantle America’s constitution, democracy, justice system, and freedoms.

There’s no point in arguing with a MAGA-Squeeze-Box as they are impervious to both logic and factual information. Go sweep a dirt road instead.

by RowBow February 5, 2025


The face made when all the cheek muscles are squeezing your eyes together

It’s so cute after she kisses me. She does the face-squeeze and giggles.

by Mywhatdidyousay January 11, 2018

Squeeze Job

Is a version of a handjob where the girl instead of strokes the penis, squeezes the penis. Is used mostly on guys with smaller sized packages

Yo I heard that Derick got a squeeze job, you know what that means

by Tradala November 25, 2016