The Titan Speakerman is a massive humanoid robotic entity, composed of an extensive array of loudspeakers and other robust mechanical units, assembled from the components of the Speakermen, manufactured by The Alliance.
The Titan Speakerman debut was in Episode 26 where he emerged into the scene while blasting Giant Robber Skibidi Toilet' "Most of freedom and of pleasure. Nothing ever lasts forever. Everybody wants to rule the world". Subsequently, he aligned himself with The Alliance, managing the position as the forefront Titan during the temporary absence of the Titan Cameraman. However, his allegiance was short-lived as he became infected in Episode 32, turning hostile towards The Alliance and those opposing the Skibidi Toilets. Fortunately, he was eventually cured in Episode 57 (Part 2), restoring his presence as the leader of the Speakermen faction.
"Yo dude I heard Titan Speakerman was cured really recently, im so happy for him ngl"
huge titan that has 2 blasters, speakers as their head, red clothing, black gloves black pants and a belt
"Dude titan speakerman is my favorite character in the skibidi-brainrot toilet series!"
When you take a fat shit and leave it in the toilet bowl to ferment. It's impossible to flush and has to be pulled out with hands. It has to be at least 2 inches wide and 8 inches long to classify as a titanic shit.
"Did you see that titanic shit I took in the school bathroom earlier?"
Titanic SHIP
The Titanic was an ocean liner steaming between 1900 and 1911. It was sunk by an iceberg on the 31th of May 1911
“The titanic went down”
“We were searching for the R.M.S. Titanic wreck”
I literally live for this movie
Titanic saved my life
Kate Winslet & Leonardo Dicaprio are the best humans ever
I’m a big big big fan of this movie
Me: I always cry when I watch Titanic
the favourite ship in the fandom. the ultimate otp.
I will go down with this ship. It's my titanic.