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The best place on earth is Walmart

Walmart is the best

by Conodo March 20, 2019


Another word for jacking off (AKA masturbation)

I cant wait to Walmart tonight”
What’s that?”

Jacking off dumbass”

by Soapy00 June 22, 2021


A place where you see people, especially influencers, fuck up the place. Name a day you don't see something flying at your face when going to Walmart. You might see people getting a haircut, and people getting freaky in the bathrooms. *wink*

Person no.1 Do you want to go Walmart?
Person no.2 No, did you know that people at Walmart can sometimes get freaky in the bathrooms?

by WisteriaChan June 19, 2024


The home of the karens with plastic

Damn, that Walmart got some FINE Karens

by the stolen one July 24, 2020


They follow slavicnickolai OMG OMG

walmart follows slavicnickolai OMG OMG

by BruhSlav May 3, 2020


the place where you can buy things

I go to walmart all day

by the holy potato boi April 7, 2020


a place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky.

my friend died and went to walmart

by dón-an-amadán November 21, 2022