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bong bucket

A bucket used to smoke ganja,But using a Stem and bowl from a bong,you insert it into the bottles lid and let it go about halfway into the water in the bucket, A bubbling effect will occur

heyy mann that bong bucket gives some crazzy tokes

by ThurgoodJenkins November 17, 2007

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Chum bucket

The most disgusting restaurant in bikini bottom SpongeBob will never eat there Patrick eats her pussy in Chum bucket

Chum bucket discussion

by Kingofdick September 6, 2020

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Bucket Master

A woman with a pussy so big that every time she sits down the whole chair dissapears up her chuff never to be seen again. It is said thats whats happened to the titanic as a 1000 men went down on her.

Ive just lost my mini has the bucket master been about!!

by spunk chops March 2, 2009

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bucket mouth

A person who doesn't know when to shut up and talks ๐Ÿ’ฉ

"Yo that Courtenay one is an absolute bucket mouth! "Yeah she doesn't know when to shut up even when the teacher shouts at her"

by OneLilHoe12 March 29, 2018

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meat bucket

1. vagina. 2. Useless or lazy person.

Check out that strippers meat bucket.

Do something man, instead of sitting on your ass like a meat bucket.

by CT Firefighter March 28, 2005

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Bucket boy

A male who receives anal penetration in a gay relationship.

My boyfriend Ryan is my bucket boy every night.

by Bad54 September 26, 2018

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Bucket Fanny

very large femine organ

like throwing a sausage down a hallway

by Kyll-Xavier May 13, 2003

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