When either you or someone else throws a pencil at the ceiling and make it stay there.
The principle almost caught jimmy playing ceiling pencil darts.
Top darts - not related to cigarettes (see: darts) is a saying used for positive; people, objects, settings, features, environments etc. Exlusively used in positive context. Reported to have originated in 1980’s UK Television, it is now commonly used in remote to regional Australia.
“That Sheila I rooted last night was top darts!!”
“Roger, that quartetly sales report you filed was top darts”
To Smoke a Cigarette in Australia.
Hey mate, do ya’ want ta’ Toss a dart outback?
When a certain someone smells like cigarettes and the musk is so offensive, one must exit the room/car
Jesus bourke! You have the worst dart stench. Go for a wash!
Juul, Suorin, an ecig with nicotine salts.
“Yo is that a smart dart I see? Let me get a rip” - Sophomores in the school bathroom
A gas station hot dog rolled in grease which enables the dog to fire down the back of the throats in one fell swoop.
Dude I think I shit out those stomach darts faster than I ate them.
In San Antonio basic training a trainee would be called this when they displayed cluelessness. DART is an ack that stands for Dumb Ass Retarded Trainee
TI in 320th MTF(Alcatraz) - Where are you going you fricken Clue DART! You fricken clue! Get back here.