The phenomenon when, the closer you get to your house the more you have to shit.
Oh s*** dude, The Ant almost got my ass on the way home from the strip club. Damn near shit my shoes.
guy 1: this apple is full of ants, throw it away
the ants: *angry noises*
Some one who a penis resembles an ant eater
Jeezuz Christ did you feel that ant grabber
It just tied a knot on my poop
Like the bees knees but for ants
Bro that movie was the ants Enna
Someone that is a total hoe bag in the game Ants Underground Game. IE Chungy and Breeze.
Dude did you see those Ant Hoes at the party the other night, totally Chungy's and Breeze's
Fighting ants is a term used in jail when you force yourself to stay awake because you have...
A. Repetitive nightmares
B. Visual hallucinations
Tom “Ay Jerry whatsup with Jeremy he seems different.”
Matt “he been fighting ants for two days”
A small or almost meaningless problem that can be solved in less than a day
Mike: Ugh, have you heard the ant hill high school drama Jenny has been involved in?
Lexi: ugh it’s so stupid, they are making such a big deal of it when it could be solved in less that a day even