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Honk Appreciation Day

User Honknappu is appreciated on March 28th

Today is Honk Appreciation Day

by HonkNappu March 28, 2022

Honk Appreciation Day

Honk Appreciation day is where User HonkNappu gets appreciated for their activity

Hey today is Honk Appreciation Day

by HonkNappu March 28, 2022

Moot Appreciation Day?!

Not an official Holiday, but let's celebrate it😊.

Person 1: Yeah, It's Moot Appreciation Day?!

Person 2: must celebrate moot

by c0rn 0n the c0b October 27, 2021

Fanfic Writers Appreciation

The day we celebrate fanfic writers and how amazing they are on August 21st

“What you doing?”
“It’s Fanfic Writers appreciation day! I’m telling my favourite fanfic authors I love their work and appreciate them!”

by .True.life.ship. July 28, 2021

kylo appreciation day

june 11th; kylo appreciation day,

a day to celebrate his successes.
kylo is a famous youtuber that is unknown due to him being “too gay for youtube”.

person 1: oh cool dude it’s kylo appreciation day!
person 2: awesome! let’s go celebrate

by roobteerfan June 11, 2022

Big Dick Appreciation Month

The month of November is dedicated to all the big dicks in our lives and appreciation we have for them as we move into the Winter Solstice.

"Just a reminder, we're having our potluck Big Dick Appreciation Month this weekend.

by CalamitySymphony November 22, 2022

Twizzy Appreciation Day

04/20 is the day to celebrate your twizzies. You might be thinking? "What is a twizzy?" A twizzy is the people you are closest with, and are you bffs. This term became popular with the rapper Yeat.

"Yooooo Happy Twizzy Appreciation Day my twizzy" "Thanks g right back at you"

by twizzy69420 June 8, 2022