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Logi Bear

A nickname given to a boy named Logan, who is as sweet as pie! It started out at just Logi then turned into Logi Bear because Logi sounds like Yogi as in Yogi Bear the cartoon character.

Come here Logi Bear! Show everyone how cute you are!

by elvoagnan August 19, 2010

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bear face

adverb - to rob, kill, or attack someone without a mask bare faced.

Ya Boy "damn, blood, went over there snatched his loot bear face?"

Big D "yea, he ran up in there wit no mask and took his shit"

by east_bay April 24, 2011

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Bear in the air

Trucker slang for a police helicopter.

See smokey bear.

"Yeah, them smokies is thick as bugs on a bumper;
They even had a bear in the air!" - Convoy, C.W. McCall

by Bandit32 September 11, 2006

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Attacked by a Bear

When a night of overly excessive drinking ends in bodily injury and/or involuntary loss of nutrition or digestive substance. Typically this is considered losing to the attacking Bear.

It must be noted that it is possible to fend off a Bear Attack, however only the most experienced drinkers can walk away unharmed.

This term was coined by Employees wishing to discuss recent events without exposing unethical behaviors. For instance, if we were talking in a different language.

Billy Bob got "attacked by a bear" last night. It followed him around town all night but caught up to him on the highway. Be careful not to brush up against his car.

by V4RIRBL3 February 2, 2006

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poala bear

When a panda bear and koala bear get it on and make the greatest creation ever, the paoala bear

OMG dude! I have this poala bear in my closet......wanna bang it?"........"fuck it, lets rail it.

by ClosetPoala May 31, 2010

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Padilla Bear

n. an extremly nice person to which anybody will instantaly be attracted to, and in some cases maybe even worship. Not to be confused with man whores.

Adam:"Who's that guy?"
John:"I don't know, but he seems to be quite the padilla bear."

by snuffy3000 May 22, 2010

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Lousy Bear

The term to descibe an overly large person with a bad attitude or cynical nature.

Cameron is a stupid lousy bear.

by Dan Camo May 21, 2005

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