Source Code

Embry Call

Probably the third in the La Push wolfpack to phase after Sam, Jared and Paul. He is considered to be caring ,reserved and somewhat playful compared to the other members. He also enjoys making bets with his friends. He is the best friend of Quil Ateara Junior and Jacob Black, both of whom could possibly be his half-brother along with the packs leader Sam Uley. The Quilleutes hope that it was Sam's father, Joshua who cheated on his wife (causing Embry's conception) since he was most likely a known womanizer. If he is not Embry's father, that means that either Billy Black or Quil Ateara Senior cheated on their wives resulting in Embry's birth. Certainely Embry may have been bothered by all this conflict, but when the time comes to work with his pack protecting humans from vampires is his only concern. In New Moon he is portrayed by Kiowa Gordon.

Embry Call to Bella Swan: C'mon in Bella ! We won't bite.

Paul to Embry Call: Speak for yourself.

by lightningbreast April 5, 2010

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call the gang

When a software developer refuses to use patterns or misuses them to such an extent that the only reasonable action is to call the Gang of Four.

Paul: This could've been easily solved with a Singleton...
Lucas: Paul, it's time. Call the gang.

by sodeep June 24, 2018

Becking call

Not to be confused withbeck and call”, this is much better.

Yeah Tiana-Rae has always been at my becking call since she fucked up my life embarrassing me all the time.

by cock 7 April 2, 2021

purse call

When someone unintentionally calls you on their cell phone while it is still in their purse. Usually the result of digging around their purse or putting something in it, which results in unintentionally speed dialing a person. The person on the other end can usually hear garbled conversations either live in person or on voicemail for an undefinite period of time that can be lengthy.

Hey, I think you just purse called me. Please hang up your phone so that I'm not spying on your conversations.

by cocochronicles March 26, 2010

Calling Station

Used in poker, a person who calls any bet regardless of the strength of his/her hand

"Rigel's such a calling station, he called an all in with 2-6 off bottom pair"

"lol what a fish"

by uniug April 2, 2016

Cuddle Call

when you call someone special over to cuddle, fall asleep, and watch movies all night:)

“ i told this girl to come over, basically a cuddle call”

by idarr December 29, 2018

Call of Duty

A game full of hackers, campers, 11year olds and noscopers. Random people talking about brussel sprouts on the mic (yeah this atcully happend) and raging at people because there killing you oblivios that your bad at the game. Alltogether a bad game.

Person 1: hey what ya playing?
Person 2: just some call of GOD DAMMIT THIS BLOODY HACKER!
Person 1: you okay?
Person 2: "throws controller through the screen"
Person 2: call of duty is crap!

by The_Seeker-337 December 31, 2016