Their unique and not many people have the name cha-kyzai their a different breed once you meet a cha-kyzai you’ll never forget about them most of their birthdays fall on March April and June
I like them that’s a cha-kyzai.
The famous and starting words of "Bongo Cha Cha Cha" by Goodboys that are said in like a furniture store or something.
Eel Eye Juh: Bongola, Bongo Cha Cha Cha!
Elijah: Shut the hell up
Kitty cha cha's is when you have an erection and you don't want it because of a social reason, perhaps you're at a party or a open house, so you get a nearby cat to scratch it into submission.
"I had to resort to kitty cha cha's at Christmas dinner with my girlfriend's parents because my slacks didn't hide anything."
Talking non-sense. Any type of fuckery, foolishness.
Almost everything he said was straight Boom-Ba-Ba-Cha!
Something king Wadeon says when he's happy or wants to be on earth with the blue crusader in Jack Henry sycamores comics
Revenge of the blue crusader
Waki na cha Cha says king Wadeon no wade
You don't have a green card says the blue crusader
Something that Cha (from the fields) does NOT have and will not get
Cha will never have that devious huzz
Bro youve got that Cha devious huzz
Bro what? I have huzz bro, you have cha devious huzz
When you have Yum Cha at brunch time.
Dad and I went for Brun Cha at the hotel on the corner of our street.