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death penalty

An "eye for an eye" method of criminal punishment in which the criminal is put to death prematurely. There are many different ways of carrying out the death penalty. The earliest were gas chambers, after that they were replaced by firing squads and the electric chair, and today the lethal injection is the most common one.

Random death penalty fact: Utah is the only state that still executes by firing squad.

by Party Pooper May 9, 2005

312๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Knight

The Death Knight is a knight in the undead scourges ranks. He possessess many useful abilities including faster movement speed and the ever popular Death Coil. Death Coil is one of WC3's most discussed spells with its low cooldown, manacost and versatility

OMG, Death Knight is li3k teh imba!!!
Coils is instant DEATH!!!!!!

by GeRRi January 4, 2005

118๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Blossom

When a group of armed soldiers fire indiscriminately and kill everything in all directions.

"The incoming Fire was coming from a unknown direction so we let loose a death blossom on the street"

by Grammarwhiskey February 21, 2015

60๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Metal

Death metal is a subgenre of heavy metal generally involving low tuned guitars played with tremolo picking and many solos, double kick or blast beat drumming techniques, minor keys or atonality, and rapid time signature changes, chromatic chord progressions, and intricate song-writing. Death metal is the most underrated and underappreciated genre in music, with many of the most famous bands full of world class musicians that taught at the most prestigious music schools in the world. The best aspects of every genre of music (new wave of British heavy metal, classical musical, thrash metal, grindcore, black metal and jazz) can be found in death metal albums articulated in a more intelligent and enjoyable manner than in the aforementioned genres. Examples are Atheist's take on jazz, Arghoslent's NWOBHM riffs, Necrophagist's Beethoven-influenced riffs, and Appalling Spawn's grindcore elements. Death metal produces the most thought-provoking and intelligent lyrics of any genre as referenced below.

Guy 1: Why do you think death metal appeals almost exclusively to very intelligent people?
Guy 2: As illuminated in the documentary The Boy With the Incredible Brain, many very high IQ people think in terms of shapes and music that forms shapes. It is not hard to understand why the ebb and flow of death metal riffs appeal almost exclusively to very intelligent people who sense and recognize the shape and contours of the very intricate and highly educated music that is death metal.

Guy 1: What are some death metal songs which shed light not only on natural aspects of the human condition, but more generally on important societal problems directly connected to people's thinking?
Guy 2: Enthralled in Essence (Atheist), Slaughter of Innocence, Demise of the Clone (Suffocation), Mirrors of Reason (Monstrosity), Omnipresent Perception (Beyond Creation), Dethrone the Hypocrites (Anata), Closeminded Failure (Solstice), The Truth About Lies (Krabathor), Lack of Comprehension (Death), Scavenger of Human Sorrow (Death), The Sadistic Motives Behind Bereavement Letters (Arsis) and Shallow Disbelief (Experiment Fear) all have very intelligent messages meeting your requirements.

by Eric Kazinsky February 13, 2015

28๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Row

A housing unit for all inmates sentences to death by Gas Chamber, Lethal Injection, Electric Chair, or Hanging. The inmates are murderers, rapists, pedophiles, armed robbers, and kidnappers.

Tommy Andreas is on death row for killing a 4.0 GPA student and her family by destroying their house with a napalm canister. He is scheduled to be executed in the gas chamber on the 12 of December.

by Super Trouper October 18, 2003

130๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death Eater

A server/minion under the control of Lord Voldemort, a Dark Wizard in the famous book series 'Harry Potter'.

They hid in the dark, away from the group of Death Eaters. If they listened closely, they could hear savage plans of destruction passing amongst them all.

by Siriuslyfun19212 February 28, 2006

211๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cone of Death

A term used to describe the predicted path of a hurricane. Derived from the consistantly inaccurate weather forecasts.

NOAA cited the Cone of Death for hurricane Ivan to be pretty much all of Florida

by JimboTheMagnifico September 24, 2004

36๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž