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Emo, (AKA Emocutwristalotitis) People who have a physical disorder that makes them unable to smile, causes their tear ducts to uncontrollably water, tune their ears into a minor key and causes 45 degree angled black hair to sprout!

Emo: Doctor, doctor what's wrong with me
Doctor: Seems you have Emocutwristalotitis, you should stay away from MCR, razor blades and hair straighteners if you wish to be cured!

by matthewthemad November 10, 2008

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one who eats spiders n shit

dude that bitch has aids, must be emo.

by stoner hoe July 30, 2018

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Emo is a music style. Some describe it as teenagers who are always depressed and cut themselves. To call someone emo would be saying that they are music. To say, "Hey you emo kid" would be improper. The correct way to use emo in a sentence would be, "I'm into this emo music" Emo is none other than a style of music. To say otherwise would be rude. Using emo as an insult is stereotypical.

Nevershoutnever is one of the nations biggest emo sensations.

by cluelessSk8er March 1, 2010

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n. 1. The generation of teenagers that missed out on the 90's grunge boom, and consequently were stuck with 00's soft punk (ex. Simple Plan, The Killers, and Fallout Boy) therefore losing all sense of self pride and taste in music.

n. 2. The kid you see sitting in the corner of your school library with a guitar playing a soft melodic tune with dark hair, tight pants, and a hoody. He most likely has a razor of some sort on his person.

Bella from the Twilight series would be the female emo.

Any male that watches and/or reads Twilight would be the equivelant.

by SeymourHopkins July 9, 2010

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Listen, I just want to start out by saying, emo is not a way to get attention. Emo is not a brand of music. Emo is not skinny jeans and ripped converse. Emo is not dyed black hair covering the face. Emo is emotional. Emo people aren't doing it for attention (well real emos don't) they do it to see if anyone cares. If there is anyone who gives a crap about their life. If no one is there then they commit suicide. Emo is a way of dealing with problems. The pain of cuts distract the pain from the rest of the world as The blood washes it away. So the next time you call someone a poser or drama queen, think about what they are going through.

Emo means emotional, not skinny jeans and black dyed hair.

by smiling yet dying November 21, 2009

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"emo" is short for emotional and does NOT mean you cut your self and hate your life, some emos may cut them selfs but if you had been through what they have been through you would to

emo's tend to have longer more meaningful relationships because they are more "emotional"

by emo kid 117 July 17, 2012

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Some bitches that think they have a life of sadness when they waste almost 100 dollars on piercings and earings and the shitiest clothes qnd give themselves the ugliest hair cut in reality

I saw this emo crying in her knees and i laughed at her stupidity

by this human April 1, 2015

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