A serious/Sirius medical condition in which your nose slowly recedes into your face...
'Wow, that guy has Volde-Face. Gutted for him!'
The face made when you push up your upper lip and smile to find tiny lines between your mouth and your nose.
Look at the strudel face!!
During oral sex the man pulls his penis out prior to ejaculation and cums on the girls face. He then pulls her hair down over her face, sticking it to the cum. Making her look like Chewbacca.
Bro, I just Chewbacca faced my girlfriend.
Another way of describing someone that is two faced.
Terry is double faced. He is a liar.
An individual so addicted to Facebooking that he/she spends the majority of their day devoted to the act, or, seeking means by which they can Facebook. While nearly all Face Basers eventually become unemployable due to their addiction, some are able to hold a job and maintain typical, if highly annoying, lifestyles.
I was at my uncle's funeral and my Face Baser cousin is updating his profile during the service.
A status on Facebook that is inspirational, like a famous quote. A face-spirational person commonly posts these statuses.
"Rob is "If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them," Henry David Thoreau."
"thanks for the face-spiration rob"
"yeah, very face-spirational"
Someone of middle eastern persuasion. Affectionate term for a friend, or mild insult.
Also used if someone is a messy eater.
Hey falafel face. You've got falafel..on your face..no, a bit more to the left..