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Dusty Funky Samantha

This stupid whore you met on the street who walked all the way from the desert in the middle east to the other side in the world, She is covered in so much dust that not even the almighty Rusty Dusty has matching power to her.

Him: jesus fucking christ what kinda creature is that over there maite?

Me: that's some fat whore called Dusty Funky Samantha mane

by Undead Shiteson May 15, 2022

funky whistle

1. A whistle that gets all the bitches
2. The act of giving a blowjob

1. I used my funky whistle and got Sarah!
2. Sarah gave me a funky whistle all night

by mr.dickbutt187 May 21, 2014

funky zest


from Vanilla Ice song/video "Roll 'Em Up".........
"bring the skunk and I'll hit the funky zest..."

by deanofranksammy August 23, 2011

hip and funky

knowing someones got swagger and street cred, but this is an old skoooool way to say it

'not going to lie dude, you are hip and funky.'

by luuuyeaah February 3, 2012

Funky Rock

Usually "da Funky Rock." VA term for crack cocaine, popularized on black t-shirts with white or silver writing. Often seen alongside kalumpted .

Seriously, could you pass the Funky Rock right now, please? I need to get kalumpted.

by P. Colot July 23, 2004

funky jackhammer

Same thing as The Jackhammer sex move but with funky disco music playing

Josh: I did the funky jackhammer with Sarah last night! Listened to Electric Boogaloo and smashed that pussy

by ExtraSauceBoss October 29, 2020

Funky buh creator

Worst mod ever who doesent give us free speech

He’s trash funky buh creator trash OW THAT HURTS

by Spelunkadunk a bigger fan August 26, 2023