It’s a cute nickname to someone who’s mother found them in a dumpster as an infant and took care of them for the rest of their life.
“oh look over there! It’s Cameron the Garbage Baby”
A person who transcends being regular garbage. Analogous for items in the fridge so rotten that they skip right past the kitchen bin and go directly outside.
Meg: "I like that guy over there with the beard."
Joe:"Him? He eats pills for breakfast and will rob you in your sleep. Outside garbage.. stay away."
Indecent exposure or 'flashing' is when someone shows their genitals in order to scare or upset another person. 'Cyber Sight Garbage' is when indecent exposure happens online or over text message.
"As I was walking down the street I was accosted by sight garbage when a man pulled his pants down"
The new term for "Dumpster Fire" as of year 2021.
Some actually attempted thing, solution, or idea that is "absolutely brainless and terrible".
Man, this thing is a real garbage bag of gasoline!
Large amount of items, typically used in a bad context
Elon Musk makes a garbage amount of money.
The best damn way to cook a turkey. You put the turkey inside of an insulated garbage can with hot coals on the top and around the base. The method is a lot like that of a Dutch oven. Give it 3-4 hours, lift off the garbage can, and inside you've got a delicious, moist turkey.
Try it next Thanksgiving
*lifts off garbage can*
"Now that's a moist turkey"
"Of course it is. It's a garbage can turkey"
1. Code for setting up a train for a blumpkin.
2. A scat based gangbang
1. Hey Lisa wants a train tonight. She said to make sure it's from the Garbage Bag Gang.
2. Better lay down the plastic because we're playing with the Garbage Bag Gang tonight, you sloppy fuck.