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homo incognito

A person who does not want people to know he or she is gay, especially in a social situation where the threat of homophobia is perceived.

Kristie just wanted to get her drink on, so she kept a low profile and stayed homo incognito.

by cjkline83 April 1, 2008

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no homo chromosomo

When you are not affected by heterochromosomia and you're part of the Twitter community.

Guy1: Hey, wanna have sex?
Guy2: nah man, no homo chromosomo

by RoanS77 March 19, 2021

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Slippery Homos

A greek style chili dog.

I ate 25 slippery homos in a chili dog eating contest.

by Greasy Ricky February 25, 2008

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homo erectus

Used to state that there is a horny gay man in close proximity of a group of males.

Whoa! Homo erectus! Everybody, shut your buttholes, there's a homo with a boner on the loose

by JBo April 6, 2005

140๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž

homo thug

1.someone who is both gay and a thug. 2.Someone who dresses like a thug and lives nowhere near a thuggish enviroment
3. Someone who thinks there tough, gangster, a hustler, holding it down, but they are just in real need of a beat down from a real thug...

by somebody who knows September 22, 2003

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Homo Thuggin

1. Homo thuggin is when a man sticks his penis in another mans ass, not for enjoyment, but as a way of life. 2. Homo Thuggin' is not being GAY. Gay men kiss other gay men. Homo Thugs just fuck other men...anally. 3. When homo thugs feel like being charitable, we use lube. Sometimes homo thugs spit on their cocks. But if you cross them, you better hope you bleed. 4. Don't forget to bring that baby oil. Homo Thugs like to see your body glisten when they're making you feel like you're taking a shit backwards.

"Ayo you homo thuggin?"
"Excuse me, that is not proper homo thuggin attire."
"When you a homo thug thats homo thuggin, your asshole gapes for a week."
"Ayo heavy homo thuggin, will result in paralyzation from the neck down...yes the NECK down."

by Baby Oil B. Hom October 18, 2006

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Homo Mojo

1) A purely positive reference to the many skills and abilities of a homosexually-inclined man or woman. In the extreme (stereotypical) sense of this expression, these two words may refer to the charms of Gay men (as decorators, artists, chefs, trend setters, and masters of taste) or Lesbians (excelling in sports or mechanical abilities).

2) For someone attracted to the same-sex, this expression refers to their almost magical ability to get another man or woman in the sack.

3) The intuitive ability of one Gay person to sense the presence of another Gay person through Gaydar.

Example 1: The show Queer Eye For The Straight Guy is all about the Fab 5's homo mojo. Like the song at the beginning of the show says, "all things just keep getting better" with the crew of Queer Eye.

Example 2: Brad really does know just how to keep those home fires burning with his husband John...even in the bedroom...after 15 years!..Can you believe it?!? I need a little of their homo mojo to set my own sheet on fire with Paul.

Example 3: In a crowded room of people, Pete has a real knack for picking out most of the fellas who happen to be sausage hounds. I wish I had that much homo mojo in my back pocket.

by Happy Wolf December 24, 2006

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