Source Code

Ill Nonsense

Not believing nonsense from anybody.

This is Ill Nonsense.

by Mystery Definition December 11, 2020


wat tha fuck i look like

Crackhead: aye man i got these cheesburgers buy em and i'll suck yo dick
Person: man get ur ass outta here wtf-ill

by Rufus Davis March 12, 2010

I'm beginning to feel like I'm mentally ill

I'm just writing this so hopefully, someone will put this on a mug or cup

I'm beginning to feel like I'm mentally ill

by BabbleBoy February 4, 2023

The Beach (Mental Illness)

The concept of a "beach" is a human perception constructed from sensory input, blending sand, water, and various elements into a mental experience. In reality, there is no universal or intrinsic existence of a beach; it is a mental abstraction shaped by individual interpretations of coastal environments.

I have been diagnosed with The Beach (Mental Illness). I have episodes where I believe there is a beach. In reality, there is no such thing.

by FLCOnTop January 3, 2024

sudden death illness

A mild illness that comes very soon after another mild illness. For example, when you have a flu and about a week before you had strep throat. The reason it's called sudden death is because it's the second round of your illness problems, as it were, and also it makes a morbid pun.

She had a sudden death illness that day, and she was sort of bummed, because that day she'd missed a big potluck at the community center.

by A. Square April 6, 2014

Repetitive Respiration Illness

Something you would tell your boss to get out of work. The true definition is “breathing

Person 1: Sorry boss. I was just diagnosed with Repetitive Respiration Illness. I can’t come in until tomorrow.

Boss: Oh that’s ok. Can you send me a picture of the doctors note?
Person 1: …

by BABA HOOHA December 21, 2022

ill-gotten income

Profits acquired through making people sick, such as Big Biz's hooking them on tobacco/alcohol/drugs/gambling, or a doctor's using methods and/or treatments that he knows will probably just either make his patients feel even worse or give them maladies/injuries that they didn't even have before.

It's difficult enough to prove in court that someone knew beforehand that his products or services would harm his customers, but then if he is eventually found guilty and ordered to finance a settlement, it's even harder to get him to part with any of his ill-gotten income.

by QuacksO September 15, 2019