He is a ugly ass hoe, he dose not pulll the hoes. He has a very small pp and he likes guys
Isaiah jeantette is ugly
And likes guys
two people madly in love with each other. Jerry admires Isaiah all the time while Isaiah wants his 8-inch deep inside. There love is unstop able.
Jerry & Isaiah kissing in a tree, K I S S I N G, first comes love, second comes marriage, then comes love with a baby carriage.
Isaiah is a funny person, he may have different personality around different people, he can go to far on jokes but makes up for it with his supportive and romantic side. It takes someone special to make his true feeling come out. He’s always calling himself cute and sexy, but only the special people would understand that’s hes right. He’s intelligent but acts dumb and maybe even says gay jokes, or dirty minded jokes. You should cherish his friendship and relation ship
Isaiah Wood is a funny person he’s really cute but I he didn’t act like a jokester I’ll date him
A super silly guy- also slang for a huge female dog
Wow look at that Isaiah Rounds go!
gabriel isaiah is the cutest lil baby in the whole world. he is typically purple and small and looks a lot like baby thanos. he looks like hes plastic (probably because he is) and brings a maternal feeling to anyone who sees him. also jazzy annes baby boy that she chucked in the lake
person one: "omg is that girl holding gabriel isaiah? hes the cutest baby ever!"
Person two:" ya i agree but it looks like hes had plastic surgery"
The combination of two very powerful names and Jason Isaiah can light up a room and turn out the lights all on the same evening I am very very funny very sexual add very in tune with his feelings and yours if the you were in a relationship with him or are close to him in some kind away loving him is the challenge and the journey of a lifetime and should be p
Ex. My names jason Isaiah and I'm the shit baby with a capital badass