Source Code

Lo Weez

1. To emit gas from the anus of a very tall person standing in a crowd surrounded by very short people.

2. 1. An emission of gas from the anus.

“That fucking Sasquatch bitch just lo weezed on everyone in the crowd and it tasted like old pork and dirty bandaids!”

“Did you just lo weez in my mouth?”

by Bbrrookkee August 9, 2019

Los Chatos

A group of friends just chilling and kicking back getting laid etc Always getting high and doing mysterious shit. Loves to gamble

What are you doing today?
I am going to hang with los chatos.

by streer April 17, 2013

Lo fan

What people in Japan call Caucasians;
A white person; not ethnic

“Are you an ethnic poc?”
“No silly goose I’m clearly a lo fan”

by Safety_tips October 22, 2023

Lo Troll

A Juggalette form of cock tease. A Lette that is probably only down because her last boyfriend of 4 months was a Juggalo. Someone who has no concept of the word Juggalette, but claims to be one just to get attention from Juggalos.

She's such a Lo Troll, she flirted with Ronald McDonald just because he was wearing face paint!

by LetteWitBrainz June 10, 2011

Los Angeles

the best fuckin city in the fuckin united states i mean we have everything here New York is ok but it can't compare to LA i mean we got ice cube, the game, TUPAC> RIP, dr.dre, snoop who has gone soft, and another great EAZY motherphukkin E who un fortunately died from aids, gotta show love for THE NOTORIOUS B.I.G.

yo LA is the shit we got everything here culture,media,etc. 2 LIVE & DIE IN LA LIKE 2PAC SAID

by PUSSY is the best like LA February 19, 2005

53👍 86👎

Los Banos

A shitty hick town. Located an hour away from the beloved bayarea. In a youngling's eyes: Los Banos features big head athletes to shitty rice rockets. If you do not go to college out of town, there is no way you can get out of "The Bathrooms".

LB should not be part of the map.

I hope Los Banos gets nuked.

by canteverfindme February 7, 2010

49👍 78👎

Los Angeles

The Best City where everyting goes down. Look at the weather, the people, etc. HOT DAMN!

LA's the best way.

by Anonymous July 3, 2003

33👍 51👎