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Little lot a bit

A way to say a medium amount of something. Was birthed when a little boy wanted "a little lot a bit" of ketchup.

Mom: how much dressing do you want on your salad?
Child: a little lot a bit.

by SasukiYaoyorozu July 10, 2021

WAP Snap-A-Lot

When a brotha don't have his loins girded, the spirit of WAP Snap-A-Lot will be cast upon you, and you will be swallowed in one moment...

A WAP Snap-A-Lot is lurking on the Internet Yellow Brick Road...

by sicarius_pain December 27, 2022

lots of artists online


Often used as an art hashtag # lots of artist online # lmao lmao - lots of artists online

by Barry b benson November 28, 2016

Swallow Tot-Lot

Male Bonding place used as a Male Sancuary ex parks,playgrounds and homes

A Childrens XXX playground

Mike and his friends were talking about how they spent the night in Swallow Tot-Lot

by Dgenerate02 June 28, 2011

lot hoe

A pathetic hoodrat that bangs married men in Walgreen's parking lots.

When they were done that lot hoe had to borrow his pants to wash up in the Walgreens bathroom.

by FrenzySprite April 26, 2021

giant eagle parking lot incident

A major accident that has traumatized you that you only vaguely refer to.

Person: Haven’t been the same since the Giant Eagle Parking Lot Incident

by FenTheGoat December 9, 2024

4👍 2👎

Sir queefs a lot

When you queef so much it starts to sound like a royal trumpet

Damn bae you sound like sir queefs A lot

by Dam0ntee February 25, 2021