A way to say a medium amount of something. Was birthed when a little boy wanted "a little lot a bit" of ketchup.
Mom: how much dressing do you want on your salad?
Child: a little lot a bit.
When a brotha don't have his loins girded, the spirit of WAP Snap-A-Lot will be cast upon you, and you will be swallowed in one moment...
A WAP Snap-A-Lot is lurking on the Internet Yellow Brick Road...
Often used as an art hashtag # lots of artist online # lmao lmao - lots of artists online
Male Bonding place used as a Male Sancuary ex parks,playgrounds and homes
A Childrens XXX playground
Mike and his friends were talking about how they spent the night in Swallow Tot-Lot
A pathetic hoodrat that bangs married men in Walgreen's parking lots.
When they were done that lot hoe had to borrow his pants to wash up in the Walgreens bathroom.
A major accident that has traumatized you that you only vaguely refer to.
Person: Haven’t been the same since the Giant Eagle Parking Lot Incident
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When you queef so much it starts to sound like a royal trumpet
Damn bae you sound like sir queefs A lot