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the black dahlia murder

1.Excellent death metal band from Detroit. Recently released the album Unhallowed.

2.A Los Angeles murder case from 1947, unsolved.

Black Dahlia Murder played an awesome set.

Do you know who committed the Black Dahlia murder?

by matt December 14, 2004

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social murder-suicide

When your friend starts dating a girl and virtually removes both himself and her from society and all friends. Closely resembles killing one's love interest and self with less finality than actual death.

"Dude, I haven't seen Charlie since he started going steady with Jenn..."
"I know man, just another social murder-suicide. So sad."

by Jack Clodder March 26, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

murder muffin

to remove someones face with an icecream scoop and put it in a bowl to b eaten or saved for later.

bob: "who are you"
random guy: "keeyah *scoops bobs face off* mmm delicious"
bob: "damn i just got murder muffined"

by god on earth lawl March 14, 2008

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Murder Mystery Theatre

Having sex while you're menstruating, or having sex with a woman who is menstruating. Specifically describes the situation of having sex in the dark, and not noticing the condition until turning on the lights or walking into a lit room after the fact. Indicates surprise of noticing the site of your passion is splattered with blood, much like a murder scene. Situation is amplified by white sheets.
Can be expanded to "Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre" to imply that oral sex took place.

Dude 1: I brought this girl home last night, and it was awesome, at first...
Dude 2: What happened?
Dude 1: When I switched on the lights, total Murder Mystery Theatre! My white sheets were ruined!
Dude 2: Wow man, that sucks!
Dude 1: Yeah, but she did offer to clean them, so I might keep seeing her...

by Annabelle Veal September 29, 2011

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screaming bloody murder

A strong accusation of wrongdoing.

At the baseball game they were charging $8 for a hot dog. Everyone was screaming bloody murder.

by werdhoofen September 18, 2013

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Weapons of Mass Murder

A phrase coined when weapons of mass destruction just wasn't scary or sinister enough anymore. Taken literally, this phrase could only mean any weapon that could take the lives of several human beings. When used in a political sense, it is used to refer to the enemy's weapons that we don't like them using. When weapons are labeled Weapons of Mass Murder, they carry the connotation of being unethical, but to me "unethical weapons" implies there are ethical weapons.. and that doesnt really sound right. In reality, ALL WEAPONS ARE TOOLS USED TO MURDER. It shouldnt be long before the propaganda machines in washington start sugar coating our weapons and refering them as "Weapons of Mass Freedom".

We must use our Soldiers of Mass Righteousness to seize iraq's Weapons of Mass Murder.

by Anonymous October 6, 2003

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Murder Mystery 2

A popular game on ROBLOX developed by Nikilis. The game has a large trading community where they trade high-value items. But then there is those slender teamer fuckheads that have the most bland avatars known to ROBLOX that play bypassed earrape shitty rap music to the entire lobby, not to mention they are usually ODers (online daters.) Overall, the game is fun but the community is questionable.

"Hey Mike! Wanna play some Murder Mystery 2 with the boys?"
"Nah, I got scammed yesterday out of my Elderwood Set. I'm not taking any chances."
"Fair enough."

by Wovibe September 14, 2021

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