When you tell one person you love them and make them wait for you just in case you current relationship fails
Safty net: I'm dating Luke but I'm using carlos as a safety net just because I feel like Luke will leave me
Believing you won a PS5 with yr points for trying samples.
i'm tired of phishing for the net. I never even got my PS5.
Going through all your social network and posting a relevant picture of Nicholas cage on every post. When asked why you simply post another picture of cage with no explanation.
Person: "I like annoying people. Time to start caging the net"
installation for territorial worth account which can go up from $123 to $2000 to use it use coordinates for installation recipe to use net worth connected to your value of your installation that will lead up to good luck
After studying the vertigo-inducing range of lunchbreak subs (e.g. Taleggio, pine nut, grapefruit and rocket) - the overworked mind generally opts for less hostile territory. Picking an uncool, but boot-filling standby - (e.g. cheese).
Jim: Hey Bob, you gotta try this sun-dried octopus on flax-seed crostini. And it's only eight bucks fifty!
Bob: Nah man, I'm set with my safety-net sub.
Jim: (*shrugs*)
Bob: Ham.
After scanning the vertigo-inducing range of lunchbreak subs (e.g. Taleggio, pine nut, grapefruit and rocket) - the confused mind generally opts for friendlier territory. Picking an uncool, but boot-filling standby - (e.g. cheese).
Jim: Hey Bob, you gotta try this sun-dried octopus on flax-seed crostini. And it's only eight bucks fifty!
Bob: Nah man, I'm set with my Safety-net sub .
Jim: (*shrugs*)
Bob: Ham.
When your life is super easy, whether it be due to White Collar Steroids, or simply, things that are difficult or stressful for others are given to you.
Lance: Man, I cant even get an INTERVIEW for this role and I have all the credentials, how the heck did Keith get the job, he is an actual moron.
Spencer: Keegan's dad is a big deal at the firm, set the whole thing up. His life is an empty net goal.
Lance: Man, I wish MY life was an empty net goal, who the fuck wants to pay a mortgage every month.
Spencer: Ya, the worst is Keith acts like all of this is difficult for him. Like, Brosef, we know your life is an empty net goal and you don't have to worry about your car payments.