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Abusively watching over every move of a person, kwithout their consent. In short, acting like Hassan or the CIA

What the fuck Hassan? Are you a stalker? You already know the social security number of all the teachers the teachers

by Cpt. Deguerecheff November 27, 2021



IMT knows where I live, shes such a stalker.

by BigBakon March 24, 2022


the creepy ass boney mf from half life 2

hyuckus: Stalker

by pussyhound420 October 30, 2023


A stalker is a stupid asshole who doesn't want too leave someone alone and does everything to stay in contact with them. For this they even threaten their victims so that they can't block them on snapchat and instagram. They create like 20 fake accounts to follow their victim and his or her friends to see their target person in one of their pictures maybe. They always want their victims feel better but if the victim wants no more contact to feel better they dont accept this and keep annoying them everyday with attempts to start a conversation.

Stalker: Hi how are you?
Victim: can you please leave me alone. I want no contact anymore with you!
Stalker: i am sorry that I annoy you I will make amends but can we just stay friends pls?
Victim: One more chat from you and I will block you
Stalker: you know what happens when you do so!

by stan246 August 29, 2019


hey brody, if your looking for me i have some hints,

i go to your school
i have a dog
i have blue eyes
i’m 14

(pretty bad hints i know)

you probably have no idea who i am

disclaimer i’m not a stalker

by Funky.Chunky.Monkey. November 30, 2020


Otherwise known as Norman.

Norman caressed my arm earlier... He is SUCH a stalker...

by amanixd April 25, 2024


Potentially a stalking victim being guised as the perpetrator through a dreamt up projection fallacy.

Exhibit A:

Definition of Family Stalker (i.e. Male Family Stalker):

Gets excited when stalker shows up with a party invite. Stares into the stalkers soul with a side-cocked open smirk;

Obsesses about how much of a stalker the stalker is to stalker's friends, but in the next breath askes genuinely if he's gay in a tone of desperation followed by a superfulous explanation.

Complains about how fat his stalker is despite only a BMI 20 vs BMI 17.5 separation. Stalker goes on an eating binge with another bro. Sees stalker got a bulkier chest and handles the next day. Grabs and pinches them in excitement.

Complains about Stalker having a 10 second job interview in his mother's kitchen. Tells everyone the stalker is in love with his mother.

Says his stalker is obsessed with his older sister over Xbox clan chat but that the stalker convinced him he's over his alleged prey. Then bragged about how he could get a little suckie suckie action out of his stalker because the stalker supposedly liked a sibling of his.

Allegeror writes that he loves his stalker on the jungle gym 400m up the road from his domicile.

Older sister finds out and shows the stalker. Allegeror paints over that section of jungle gym with his parents outdoor gutter paint.

That guy stalks my entire family. My older sister stopped going to Youth because of him!

Context: Older sister cannot go. Has posessive boyfriend. Does not tell the alleged stalker's friends.

by settledviaurban May 23, 2021