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A man's best friend. They can be lovable or vicious. Very soft and cuddly (Most). They protect and guard.

Dallas: OMG. Bro, do you see that cute dog !!

Max: Yea, he's really cute. I need a companion like that dog.

by BlueWolfieGirl943 August 29, 2017

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A persons best friend, likes to go on walks, eat food, cuddle with their owners, but also have a scense of fun when needed. A dog is a great animal who can learn a few tricks, and will try to protect you when unusual things sound or happen. If you disrespect a dog, you dont deserve one.

P1: Do you have a dog?

P2: Yeah, Its amazing! So glad i adopted one. He always wants to be around me.

by By a teenage girl. June 24, 2018

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a perfect creature which will always love you and is the perfect thing to exist but sadly it's life span is an average of 13-15 human years and then will not be there for you so use those years wisely and love it when asks for love keep it well or else I WILL COME TO KILL YOU!

aren't dogs a perfect creature

by guy-goay-gay January 11, 2019

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The skittle you find in your underpants after a party that you eat and are confused because it tastes good.

" Yeah I found I found like four dogs in my pants this morning, that party was pretty crazy".

by Togles March 17, 2017

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If you don't know what this is yo u are fucking retarded and should seek medical help

My dog gets me pussy

by Hubert le fronz February 7, 2018

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A dog is the embodiment of all that is pure. We are less than deserving of these beautiful, clean, loyal, amazing beings, and they deserve to live the most wholesome and loving lives possible. It's a shame they live such short lives, because if they had a longer lifespan humans would no longer need to socialize with each other. Anybody who abuses or hurts dogs in any way (see Kero The Wolf) deserves to be skinned, covered in papercuts, and be thrown in a boiling pot of lemon juice.

Dad: Hey son, how are things?
Son: Shut up dad, im playing with fido! (Fido as in a common name for dogs)

by Exotic Time April 16, 2019

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The best animal ever, everyoneโ€™s favorite animal. Dogs are furry, funny, curious animals that usually like to play. They are smart, cute, and hilarious. They can be guard dogs and help people, or can just be your best friend. They are loyal and care about you, they usually love visitors, children, or other animals. When they make a mistake (for example if they are puppies) no matter how mad you are, you laugh because they are just to cute to be mad at. They can cuddle with you protect you and love you. They are your best friend.

OMG your dog is so funny!!

by Iโ€™malittlegirlthing November 22, 2017

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