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word to describe the most boring, annoying, odd, weird, uninteresting, tiresome, unexciting, spiritless human that has ever walked this planet.

Tyler D. is lame, he is so lame he's in a social club.

by TheLamest101 March 3, 2015


Lamer than lame.

That's hecka lames.

by Young Jazzy Yo December 1, 2023


Adjective. North American informal (Of a person) who is an active Pokémon Go user. The person will seem to be out of place, not apt to be outside and holding a smartphone while apparently looking for something around the neighborhood.

Hey look! He's just entered the worst part of the neighborhood with his cell phone out, that's lame! Must be a Pokémon Go User.

by Annoyingforlife July 16, 2016


(Lay-aim) pro-noun.
1.) A person that does nothing as far as makes no moves or has no hustle. not a bread winner,

2.) Someone who would rather get high then sell what they have to eat.
3.) A person with no arms or legs or the use of their arms and legs at least.
4.) A person that can't understand the way shit works or goes against the grain of a life style yet still lives that specific life style they are going against.
5.) Someone that thinks they are better than someone.

Woman: Hey, you know that guy mike? I think he seems really cool and was thinking about getting to know him.
Man: yeah, I know the guy, he's a lame. Don't waste your time. He basically just exists.

by Batterybob May 19, 2021


Tyler Ruden

Tyler Ruden is a very lame person who lacks social skills and needs a life. lame

by maddogg123 May 10, 2016


beautiful and awesome

you so lamee gurl😩

by bobbydoodoo September 6, 2021



gabe is so fucking lame

by kiki0321 July 2, 2019